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Round 3 – The Importance of Driver’s Education related to Safe Driving

Name: Jailyn Hitchings
From: Anchorage, Alaska
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driver’s Education related to Safe Driving

The Importance of Driver’s Education Related to Safe Driving:

Driving is a simple, everyday act that we complete without a second thought. Routine drives, such as driving home from work, could result in multiple fatalities within a spilt second. The dangers of driving are something we don’t like to talk about, I find myself rolling my eyes every time my parents tell me to “drive safely”, when in reality, this phrase shows the utmost love, letting people know that you want them to get wherever they’re going alive. A good driver’s education course could be the difference between life and death, literally.

Driver’s education allows for new drivers to get comfortable behind the wheel in a safe environment. Most driver’s education cars have secondary breaks in the passenger see for the instructors, in case of emergency. A good driver’s education course can make all the difference in student’s ability to have a lifetime of safe driving. This could not only save their lives, but other lives as well. Each drive, no matter how short, is a matter of life or death. I got my permit the day I turned 14, but I refused to drive outside my neighborhood, because I was scared to go over 25 mph. When I was almost 16, I took a driver’s ed class at my school. I stayed there for two weeks studying driving with a combination of classroom work and driving time. I went into it terrified of the idea of driving and left confident in my driving skills. I even enjoyed driving after completing the course, something that I thought that would never happen in my lifetime. About two weeks after the course, I took my drivers test on the day of my 16th birthday. I passed with a perfect score, no points lost on anything, not even parallel parking. I have never been in a car accident in my life and I hope to keep it that way. Without taking driver’s ed, I know I would be a less skilled driver. Many years ago, one of my cousins was in a relatively mild car accident. Initially, she was fine, as was everyone else involved, but whiplash resulting from the wreck left her with neck and back problems for years.

I believe that driver’s education should be more readily available to all students, as it is vital in decreasing the amount of driving related deaths. Driver’s education is often expensive, not allowing large quantities of young drivers access to this opportunity. The number of driving related deaths in the country is much too high. Every fatality from a car accident is someone who did not make it home safely to their family, and I am terrified that someday it could be my family member who does not make it home safely. This is why we must work together to make drivers education more accessible. A dangerous driver does not only endanger themselves; they endanger every other person on the road.