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Round 3 – The Importance of Distracted Driving Awareness

Name: Bella Ball
From: Manor, Texas
Votes: 0

The Importance of Distracted Driving Awareness

Driver education teaches potential drivers how to drive safely so they don’t become a hazard to themselves or others on the road with them. More thorough driver education can lead to safer drivers on the road. This includes an emphasis on distracted driving awareness and teaching the idea that if you don’t feel safe to drive for any reason, you shouldn’t drive. Distracted driving is more than just drinking and driving or texting. This can include using a device while driving, eating and drinking, talking on the phone, crying, or sleepiness.

Before I was born, my father was in a severe car crash. He totaled his car and it crushed his leg. He would’ve died from the crash, but he was in the yard of a nurse who took him to a hospital. At the hospital, they didn’t think he would survive. When his health stabilized, they thought they would have to amputate his leg, and if they didn’t, he wouldn’t be able to walk. I am happy to say he has both his legs and can walk. Despite his miraculous recovery, he still suffers from chronic pain and has had to have multiple surgeries because of that accident.

In my life, I have only been in one car accident. My family had driven to Ohio for my great-grandfather’s funeral. After the funeral, we were driving back home when my dad bumped into the car in front of him. The car in front of us had stopped, but my dad couldn’t see clearly because he had been crying because of the funeral. The car in front of us was fine and drove away from the accident, but our car was totaled. Luckily, nobody was injured. When the accident happened, we weren’t even out of the town the funeral was in, and we had a six-hour drive ahead of us. Since we didn’t have a drivable car with us, my grandfather had to drive us home.

This experience made me realize that distracted driving is a serious issue that can affect anyone. I will never drive when I’m unsure for any cause, even if it’s something as small as just being sleepy. I will always assess and prepare for any drive before I leave, so I am not unprepared on the road. I also intend to promote distracted driving awareness, so that more people will understand that doing any other action while driving can be potentially dangerous and that they should either wait until after they drive, or wait to drive. I am extremely thankful that I have not been in a severe car accident, but from my dad’s experience and the one time I was in a car accident, I have learned the seriousness of driver safety and education. I hope I will never be in a serious car accident and I hope I can help others stay safe on the road as well.