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Round 3 – Driving Defensively

Name: Natalie Perron
From: Glen Burnie, MD
Votes: 0

Driving Defensively

Driving Defensively

Driver education is vital to reducing driving related deaths because it is the main source of knowledge one receives on driving before they are behind the wheel. It is the duty of the driver education instructor to warn students of potential deadly and harmful situations related to driving and how to prevent them.

Requiring students to pass driver’s education before they can drive would be a major change in favor of reducing driving related deaths. In Maryland, students can drive with a permit before they pass driver’s education. Making handheld device use/wearing earbuds or headphones while driving completely illegal and implementing severe penalties and fines for violations would reduce distracted driving. Educated about the consequences of driving under the influence or driving distracted years before one is old enough to drive would lead to further prevention of driving related deaths. Educating about driving defensively, and being cautious and paying attention to the drivers and people around you to make better decisions, rather than driving aggressively and faster, and being someone that defensive drivers need to look out for would certainly help.

I have never been in a car accident, but as this is my first year driving with a license on my own, I have experienced many things that could have been prevented with better driver’s education and stricter laws regarding distracted driving. I was recently turning left across two lanes of traffic when a driver that had slowed down to a point that I had enough room to turn started speeding up and swerved around me at the last minute because they were on their cell phone instead of looking at the road.

Whenever I am unsure of something as far as driving, I search for the answer, or ask someone for help. For example, even though I took driver’s education and passed my license test, I was unsure of what to do when a stoplight is not working and is flashing red or yellow instead. Now I know, because I asked and educate myself when I am unsure, rather than risk not knowing and putting myself and others in danger. I never text and drive, and only use my phone while driving for purposes besides GPS when I am parked. I will continue to do this, and continue to educate myself and provide tips and lessons to my younger siblings who will be driving in a few years, as well as educating about the horrible impacts of distracted driving and driving under the influence.