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Round 3 – Tips on Staying Safe When Driving

Name: Madeleine Fuller
From: Adrian, MI
Votes: 0

Tips on Staying Safe When Driving

Driver’s education is important, not only because it gives people the knowledge on how to drive, but it reduces the number of driving related deaths. It is so important to go to driver’s training as a new driver because it will give you everything you need to go on the road. The more you know and the more practice you get, you’ll be less likely to get into accidents. You’ll know what to do.

Some steps can be taken to reduce deaths relating to driving. For example, go to driver’s training! If a family member or friend is driving irresponsibly, call them out and have them drive in a safer manner. If a friend or family member has been drinking, don’t let them drive. Save lives.

I have never personally been in a car accident, but I’ve been close. I’ve been offered rides by family members who have been drinking, but I declined. I’ve been in cars with people who text and drive, etc. It’s not a good feeling. Personally, I think the steps I can take is to go to driver’s training as planned and work hard to understand everything. When it comes to others, I can ask them to put their phones away, or stay responsible with how much they drink.

In conclusion, it is important to stay safe on the road, so be responsible. Don’t risk your life for something silly!