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Round 3 – The need to drive safe.

Name: Juan Maldonado Rueda
From: Lantana , Fl
Votes: 0

The need to drive safe.

Are you a safe driver? Most people will answer this question the same way. “Yes, of course”, or are you a safe driver part time? Being a safe driver is so important in today’s society since more and more people are driving and more and more young people are driving. Taking a well structured course such as Drivers Ed will not only get you that high school credit that you need, it will also inform you of the do’s and dont’s while driving. I remember, it was 2012 June. That month my sister got into an accident, she hit a cop late at night. My sister was on her way home and BOOM her and the cop collided. I woke up that morning to my parents telling me that she was in an accident, immediately I made sure she was okay, and she was. However, her car didn’t have the same luck. The whole right side of her car was totaled and the front bumper was barely holding on. For the next couple months my sister had to constantly go to a chiropractor since the impact had such a great force that it messed up her neck and gave her pain. My sister wasn’t necessarily driving irresponsibly but the pain I saw her in was unbearable, I knew from that day on that I would make sure I never get myself hurt like that, or any one else on the road.

There are a variety of things that we can do in order to decrease the percentage of fatal car crashes. For instance, we can put our seat belts on, put the phone down,drive sober not under the influence. If we all do those things then we all as a community ensure that our roads are safer for us and for future generations ahead of us starting to drive. We live in a crazy world right now where just about anything can happen at any time. I don’t know about you but I’m going to make sure that me and my loved ones don’t end up on the news as another “reckless driver” or another “drunk driver”. That is not only a bad Influence to our future generations but it even makes some people scared to drive because they don’t know who is a good driver and who is not. Let’s face it, we all probably aren’t the best drivers every second of everyday, but that’s what we should strive for. We should try our best to ensure the safety of our elders, teenagers, and pedestrians that get affected by car accidents every day. Now I’m going to buckle up and make sure I’m one of the best drivers I can be, will you do the same?