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Round 3 – Drivers Education Initiative Essay 2020

Name: Fubenuh Sama
From: Easton, Maryland
Votes: 0

Drivers Education Initiative Essay 2020

Fubenuh Sama


Drivers Education Initiative Essay 2020

Did you know people between the ages of 16-20 face a higher chance of being injured or killed in a car crash over any other age groups? Not only does that demographic have a higher risk of getting into a car accident, they also consist of the most first time drivers. Hence why driving education is essential to the safety of not only the drivers but to the public as well.

Only 32 states require Driving education and in the remaining states the statistics differ drastically in terms of car accidents. If those remaining 18 states enforce driver education the total death toll of drivers in the U.S. will decrease logistically speaking. Some other solutions could involve the government enforcing laws that prohibit indulging distractions while driving like texting because 1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States is caused by texting and driving . Also heavily penalize driving intoxicated. This will discourage people from driving while under the influence. Creating rest stops is also important to reducing accidents because an estimated 1,550 deaths, 71,000 injuries.

I feel very strongly about this solution because I have lost a family to drowsy driving and it heavily affected my family not only financially but emotionally that is why I strongly believe that rest stops are a solution that will be very beneficial. With that being said drivers should make sure they are completely able to drive by being sober, having no distractions, and being well rested. Drivers shouldnt only do this for their own safety but as well as others.