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Round 3 – Drive-through Driver Education.

Name: shriya edukulla
From: temple, TX
Votes: 0

Drive-through Driver Education.

America has seen an average of over a hundred deaths a day owing to reckless driving, not following rules and regulations and the overall driver education illiteracy. It is important for drivers to acknowledge the responsibility he/she has while in the driver’s seat of an automobile and the accountability he/she has for the outcomes if not careful. Driver education happens to be the most brushed away type of education especially when it comes to tackling driving issues with teenagers and young adults.

Today getting away with “petty” violations of the law is more than easy. A concrete step in trying to counter this problem is getting stringent rules and regulations in place and providing negative reinforcement when a violation is observed. The attitude of rules are for everybody and meant to be obeyed needs to be re-enforced from the very first driving lesson a person takes.. When it comes to traffic rules, having a traffic-policemen ( and traffic cameras) on guard to monitor road manners seems like a suitable option to pick out people who do in fact pose a threat to road discipline. DUI (Driving Under Influence) is also something that is extremely prevalent and must be punished for because it not only endangers the life of the driver but also the people in and near the car.

It saddens me no end to see so many fatalities that occur because of careless and reckless driving. Grief constitutes a great part of driver education because the outcome of what could possible be a fatal drive is shown. I lost my grandmother to a car accident in 1991 because of a public bus going down a one-way. My father tells me it was a gruesome scene with the car tumbling and throwing my uncle out of the car. My grandmother died instantly. It is heart-breaking to know that she only exists for me in black and white photographs that also seem to be fading away just like every old photograph. My grandmother was a responsible, careful driver but it was the bus driver who wasn’t. Understanding that a wrong turn (pun intended) can have drastic consequences is so important to analyse the risk at which you are putting other people at, too.

Rebelling against regulations is often seen as cool and edgy especially among younger people who feel the need to have a constant need for validation. Seeking validation isn’t the problem but going to any length to acquire it, is. Having a car and a driving license is looked at as a bar in the social status radar and trying to understand the accountability that comes with it is important. The only roads will become safe is following rules and regulations that come with driving a car.