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Round 3 – The Importance of Driving Education

Name: Erica Owens
From: Salem, AR
Votes: 0

The Importance of Driving Education

The Importance of Driving Education

Driving on the road can have fatal consequences – not following the speed limit, lack of attention on the road usually caused by cellphones and texting, and consuming illegal substances such as the use of alcoholic beverages. As a result of this, driver education is important for preventing serious car accidents and future deaths on the road. To prevent a car accident you should follow all laws including before driving making sure the car is in proper conditions, wear a seatbelt, maintaining a proper speed limit while on the road will result in safely driving, don’t smoke when children if the vehicle and not consume any alcohol before driving if so find a designated driver to drive you who haven’t drank any alcohol.

Moreover, driver education teaches the individual how to make a proper stop at a certain distance, put the blinkers on when making right or left turns, follow a proper speed limit on the road, and use lights on the highway at night and even during the day. It is quite important to see nearby objects and have high levels of awareness while driving. You should properly park at any highways area, buildings and parks when parking at a parking lot. To mention, driving education is top priority when initiating the very first steps on driving a car on the road. Without a proper driving education there wouldn’t be any acknowledgement of how to drive safely on the road and take precautions in case of a car accident. In fact, taking advice and tips from others are useful if you make sure the information you get is correct.

For example, I never been in a car accident but my friend Tiffany got into a head on collision with a truck who was in her lane but she was in the passenger seat of the car while her grandpa was driving. She didn’t have her seat belt on and flew out the back window and died on scene.

In conclusion, being behind the wheel requires 100% attention and consciousness while on the road. It’s also important to understand that most car accidents are due to the lack of responsibility and inability to have self control. In fact, most of the individuals involved in car accidents are young individuals, these individuals may know how to drive but most of the time they are under the self impulsiveness based on their young age between ages of 15-20 years old. It’s important to always keep our eyes on the road and not get distracted easily. If you followed these easy steps-of forget about your phone for that call and text can wait till you not driving, keep your vehicle in good condition, buckle up every time you get into your vehicle, properly position your hands on the steering wheel at a 10 by 2, only drive when you are well rested if you are tired while driving its best to pull over and take a nap, keep a safe distance from other vehicles, and minimize all distractions from alcohol to electronics. It also said that it will be helpful to attend a driving school or taking a driving education class in high school will help you know how to drive properly and practice your driving skills and reduce your chances of having car accidents on the highway.