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Round 3 – One Call Away

Name: Sydney JoAnn Benscoter
From: Marengo, IA
Votes: 0

One Call Away

I will never forget the day I received the call. It was the year before I would end up receiving my first driver’s license, and everything I had learned in driver’s ed still felt so far away. That day, I learned just how close it really was. I picked up the phone and listened as my friend explained through cries and gasps that her and her mother had just stumbled upon a car crash. As they waited for the cops to arrive, my friend described to me in gruesome detail what she was seeing, so specific that I felt I was seeing it myself. After she had calmed down and hung up, I began to wonder; what if it was us?

Drivers education itself is extremely important in keeping the roads safe. Many studies show that the risk of driving related accidents occurring is higher in teens of the ages 16-19 year old than in any other age group. Proper driving education ensures that new drivers have sufficient knowledge of how to act once in a vehicle and greatly reduces those risks. However, often young students are made to learn about the logistics of driving in a classroom with paper tests and informational videos. While these tactics are necessary and definitely helpful, I believe that more education should be spent on the road with real hands-on experience. Being able to apply what you learn in the classroom is extremely important, especially in a situation where quick actions may mean the difference between life and death.

Distracted driving is one of the top causes of driving related accidents, however there are many simple precautions that can be taken to prevent such accidents. Never drive while tired to avoid falling asleep behind the wheel or spacing off. If you absolutely have to drive when tired, make sure to play upbeat music to help stay focused. Even when fully awake it can be easy to become distracted by little things. To prevent this, never check your phone while driving, and always keep your eyes on the road as well as the traffic around you.

Every one of us, no matter one’s age, can take steps to prevent accidents on the road. Never drive when intoxicated or high; make sure you are updated on all driving and traffic laws; and pay attention to your surroundings. These may seem obvious, but there is a reason they are retold time and time again. Terrible accidents are depicted everywhere on tv or in the newspaper, but it is far too easy to forget how dangerous driving really is when you do it everyday. It seems like a world away, like it could never happen to you, but it’s not. It’s just around the corner. It’s just over the hill. It’s just a call away. Never forget the responsibilities you are taking by sitting in the driver’s seat, and always take steps to keep yourself and others safe on the road.