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Round 3 – In the Drivers Seat

Name: Madison Kelley
From: Tracy, CA
Votes: 0

In the Drivers Seat

Madison Kelley

22 September 2020

In the Driver’s Seat

Did you know a teenager between the ages of 16-19 years old are about three times more likely to be in a fatal crash than those that are 20 years and older? That statistic alone is why a structured driver’s education course is extremely important. Driver’s ED provides a controlled learning environment for new drivers, not to mention it reduces accidents and traffic violations among teens. Drivers education will help a teen pass their license test quicker, improve awareness of local driving laws, improves cognitive skills and allows students plenty of practice time behind the wheel before they are let onto the road by themselves. This type of learning ensures that all new drivers are prepared and ready to take on the road and all the challenges that come with it.

Before you start your journey, as a driver you need to make your vehicle is ready to go. You need to make sure your tires are inflated properly, your mirrors are positioned correctly, you window is clean and easy to see out of, and finally you make sure all headlights and taillights are working properly. It is important that you keep up with the maintenance of your vehicle. You should always be wearing a seatbelt, drive rested, stay off your phone and never under any circumstance drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. A good driver always anticipates what the other car is doing. Ideally, you should be thinking and preparing to act about three steps ahead. Whether there are cars or pedestrians around make sure you are aware of all potential and immediate hazards. All of these things will not only make you a better driver but limit the danger to others.

I have been the passenger of a few minor car crashes. While they were minor that does not mean they were any less scary. They all involved the other driver being distracted behind the wheel. The other driver did only put himself in danger but the cars and people around him were in danger also. Even though the accident was minor, it was still completely avoidable and could have been much worse. That is why driving with a clear mind, totally rested, undistracted and staying 3 steps ahead is always important. I was just lucky that even though the other driver was being irresponsible behind the wheel, it was minor and there were no injuries that came from this potentially avoidable car accident.

In today’s world texting seems to be the most important thing, news flash your life and the life of others is more important so forget the phone while driving. Keep your car in good shape, by getting the necessary maintenance it will ensure your vehicle is safe. Do not drive without wearing your seatbelt, not only will it potentially save your life, it is legally required. When driving make sure your hands are at 10 and 2, this will allow you to have the most control of your vehicle. Make sure you are well rested and maintain a safe distance between cars. All of these actions will help make you and those around you safer and better drivers.