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Round 3 – Behind the Wheel

Name: Dominee Daniels
From: Chicago , Illinois
Votes: 0

Behind the Wheel

Dominee Daniels

Behind the Wheel

Driver’s education is extremely important based on the fact lives are involved. A crash itself has no code or rule that the person responsible suffers the consequence. The harsh truth of it all is that whether you are responsible or irresponsible at that moment one thing is certain, you are both at risk. Therefore, it is necessary to require people of the adolescence to participate in drivers ed. To prevent mistakes, it is key to take the steps to educate a person before it happens. Written tests, traffic safety school, defensive driving courses, and finally the test with the instructor, properly instills in the person the importance of safety and what safe driving looks like. 

Being well-rested, obeying traffic laws, driving defensive, ignoring distractions, and never driving under the influence declines the chances of an accident happening. Always keeping up with your car’s maintenance whether that be making sure your brakes work correctly, your tires are fine, taillights are working, are all important. A good conditioned car makes driving safely easier on you and others. Texts and phone calls are tempting but the risk of forcing a conversation that could have to happen later is not worth your life or someone else’s. So, to avoid those mistakes, set your phone to “Do Not Disturb” or simply pull over if it’s important. Remember, you are not only driving for yourself but others as well. By following these steps, this will ultimately reduce the number of deaths related to driving.

When I was eight years old, I was hit by a car while crossing the street to go to the park. I was knocked unconscious for three hours. When I woke up, I had suffered a broken arm and several scratches. The person who hit me had blown a red light and was arrested for driving under the influence. Despite the injuries, I was lucky to be alive because most are not dealt the same cards. I am sure the guy who hit me that day never intended on blowing that light and hitting an eight-year-old kid, but it was him being irresponsible that led to that happening. My story is proof that driving safely is extremely important because it could have been worse.

To become a better driver,  take a defensive driving course, learn to park precisely, don’t speed, turn off the music when backing up, adjust your mirrors to cover your blind spots, keep proper hand placement, and NEVER drive sleepy. To ensure the safety of yourself in others you must drive for others. Everyday a mother, sister, or brother loses a loved one because of reckless driving. Let us break the cycle. All heroes don’t wear capes, so let’s create more behind the wheel.