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Round 3 – The importance of Drivers Education

Name: Carissa Poorman
From: Spring, Texas
Votes: 0

The importance of Drivers Education

The Importance of Drivers Education

Submitted by Carissa Poorman

Drivers education is very important in reducing the number of deaths caused by driving because the more people that understand the responsibility and risks that come with driving the more safe they will be. Educating new driving about the dangers of unsafe driving will give them a new awareness that they never had just being a passenger in a car. Speaking from personal experience, when I was in driving school, I was shocked at the statistics I had seen regarding the number of deaths resulting from texting and driving. Texting while driving is six times more likely to cause an accident than drinking and driving, which is also unacceptable. Drivers education brings awareness to facts like this so people gain a deeper understanding of the dangers and know that they are not only putting their life at risk, but also the lives of other drivers on the road.

There are many steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. The best way to reduce the number of deaths would be to simply avoid all distractions so your full focus can be on the road. Distracted driving is the main cause of driving related deaths. Distractions would include, using your phone for any reason, eating/drinking, using a map, personal grooming, and anything else that causes you to focus on something other than the road. Driving sober is another way to avoid an accident while driving. Driving while intoxicated greatly impacts your judgement and can easily cause a fatal accident. If you know you will be drinking either get a designated driver or call an uber. One more way to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is to drive well rested. If you are tired you will have a hard time focusing on the road and can easily fall asleep at the wheel. Always make sure you are well rested and feel prepared enough to drive.

I myself have never been involved in a car accident, but I have known many family and friends that have been due to irresponsible driving. I have seen first-hand what both texting and driving and drinking and driving can cause. When I am in a car with someone and I see they are doing something that can cause an accident like being on their phone, I will ask them to please get off their phone or ask if they would like me to do whatever they needed to do on it so they can focus on the road. I have known people that have lost their lives due to irresponsible driving and I would hate to see my family/friends ever be the cause of that. I know for me, I could never live with myself if I was the cause of taking someone’s life due to my own mistake of distracted driving.

To become a better and safer driver as well as helping others become safter on the road it is important to be educated on how important and responsible you need to be to drive. Having conversations with you friends to push them to become better drivers is something that should be more common. I try my best to never be on my phone while driving so I can focus fully on what is going on in front of me. It is important to advocate for those who no longer can because they lost their lives due to distracted driving. Steps to follow to become a safter driver are never use your phone while driving, focus all your attention onto the road and your surroundings, never be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and make sure you educate your friends and family on the importance of distracted driving too.