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Round 3 – Should it be Free?

Name: Roberto Olide-Sandoval
From: Spring Valley, California
Votes: 0

Should it be Free?

Should it be Free?

Having to hear the sirens of the ambulance after a car-crash on the freeway is scary to anyone. Knowing that it could have been you or a loved one in that position is chilling to the bone as it is an experience that could be life-changing to anyone, resulting in a severe injury or even fatal. Nothing is promised tomorrow and what we have to comprehend is cases like these happen everyday to anyone and it is important to be educated on how to drive safely.

Driving Schools is what people take in order to receive a driving license by the age of 18 years or older. It provides information on the basics of driving which overall tries to enhance the driving skills of a person. In fact, according to The Washington Post, in 2010 uneducated drivers had a 4.3% chance higher to be in a car crash than an educated driver. The knowledge that driving programs provide should lower the chances of being in a car crash. It could teach someone on how to maneuver, park in an available space, obey laws and the regulations in the safest way.

Even though driving is a privilege, having free driving school programs funded by the government could be the first step to reduce the number of deaths as a result of bad driving. Furthermore, not everyone has the same economic status which could be an issue for some people as they would not be able to afford these useful classes and tips. Providing equity on this information could be vital as it could save countless lives and help future drivers understand the consequences of irresponsible driving. During High School years, most students want to have fun, be reckless, and drink which could be dangerous when they are behind the wheel. More than 2,364 teens ages 16-18 die each year of fatal car crashes due to reckless driving, distractions, and being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, in fact they make 7% of car crashes each year. Due to this, having a mandatory driving class for Sophomores & Seniors in High School should be available in order to teach about the dangers and how it could affect their future life.

I personally have been and seen four different car crashes with one being two days ago at the time of this writing. It was a panicking situation for both the person I was with and the other driver. Apparently the driver that rear ended us, did not know how to drive the car she was in and instead of going backwards she went forward. Thankfully nothing major happened but it was really shocking at first and I do not wish anyone to experience it. I feel like it is something everyone will go through at some point of their lives but some situations will be more dangerous than others. Some steps others and I could take to become better drivers are taking driving classes as it will teach you a life skill you will always need. Second of all, minimizing all distractions is important which include never texting and driving as it’s one of the leading factors of all car crashes. If it is really important pulling over and parking in an available area is the best way to protect your life and others. To go on, using signals, brakes, seat belts and being aware of your surroundings at all times is vital to become safer on the road and knowledge I will use in order to take care of myself and the people around me.