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Round 3 – Driver Education Initiative Scholarship

Name: Emily Nguyen
From: Ewa Beach, Hawaii
Votes: 0

Driver Education Initiative Scholarship

Emily Nguyen

Driver Education Initiative Scholarship

There is about an average of 34,000 deaths each year in America as a result of reckless driving. Driver education is important in order to reduce the amount of fatalities that are caused by accidents. Driver education teaches the basics of driving, driving skills, state driving laws, and defensive driving; all of which are essential in order to be a safe and attentive driver. In most states, the driver education program is a requirement for everyone to obtain their driver license. In Hawaii, if you are eighteen and older, you do not need to take driver education classes. The driver education program should be implemented in all states for all ages because everyone can be affected by accidents. It is important to understand how to prevent and avoid dangerous driving situations if the situation was to ever occur.

I recently started driving and thankfully have yet to be in a car accident. I always practice safe driving; I do not drive unless I feel one hundred percent and have an adult in the car with me. On the other hand, I have experienced irresponsible driving multiple times throughout my life. Despite having a driver license, a friend of mine drove without caution and refrained from stopping at stop signs. In those moments I thought, “I will never be in the same car as her ever again.” I was terrified for her and my own safety in those short five minutes. I have not taken driver education yet but I know that it is very important in order to understand the basics of driving. For instance, I do not know what the difference between single and double yellow lines as my parents only inform me of where to turn or when to change lanes. Learning from parents or guardians is not as reliable and safe as learning from a professional in driver education.

There are many steps everyone can take to be a better and safer driver. Being a safe driver means you have to be considerate of everyone. Being mindful means you should not drive when you are not in the right state of mind, drinking, under the influence of substances, or if you are having car problems. Merely being late is not a plausible excuse as to why you should drive well over the speed limit or to cut someone off, which can potentially cause an accident and harm others. It is always important to be mindful of weather conditions as well. During the winter, the slick roads can cause cars to slip off the road and cause accidents if not driven carefully. Most, if not all of this is taught in driver education. Driving cars are one of the main modes of transportation in America. It can seem like one of the easiest things to do in our everyday lives but it can also be the deadliest. Implementing driver education all throughout America can certainly reduce the number of fatalities that occur as a result of driving accidents.