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Round 3 – Simple Dangerous task

Name: Esmeralda Barragan Leon
From: Redlands, CA
Votes: 0

Simple Dangerous task

People drive a car to get to work, school, meeting etc. rather than getting on a bus, taxi, or driving a bike, but this simple task can be very dangerous. Many people have died in a car accident whether it was their fault or not, also many people have died outside of the car in an accident. Driving causes peoples’ lives to be endangered inside the car and outside the car.There are always irresponsible people that drink and drink and drive, text and drive, or just regular teeagers with an adrenaline rush.There are all examples of why roads can be very dangerous.

One of the main reasons why people die in car accidents is people who drive when drunk. Usually these accidents happend at night because adults and tenagers go to parties and have a fun night but when it comes to going home they don’t want to call an uber or a friend because they think they are conscious enough to drive. These people get on the road not fully in their five senses, out of control, and they cause a lot of commotion on the streets until an insane traumatic car accident happens. Usually most of the people involved in these accidents die or are left invalid or paralized and they have to live like this for the rest of their lives, reminding them of their irreversible actions.

Another cause of many deaths are the people who use their phones while driving, this causes major distraction from their eyes on the road. Phones used as maps to guide us to other places but this technology has been added to cars for less distractions,there are also features in phones where the “driving mode” can be turned on for no distraction, but most people don’t follow these rules. When they are driving distracted they are not paying attention to the speed, the signs, the lights, and the people crossing the roads. They are out of control and when they realize they need to pay more attention to the road, it probably has been too late.

Lastly, teens with too much adrenaline in the streets can cause many deaths unintentionally. Teachers are at the peak of their lives, they want to go to parties, out with friends in search of adventure. Many of them are not fully responsible for their actions and are driven by the adrenaline rush when they are with others. Usually a group of adolescents can be more chaotic than one adolescent. The peer pressure causes them to gomore off limits and when they are driving, it can increase the chances of them having a car accident. In conclusion, let’s all be more conscious of our actions while driving a car and be aware of our surroundings.