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Round 3 – Why Choose Safe Driving

Name: Dallas Fuller
From: granger, Texas
Votes: 1

Why Choose Safe Driving

Dallas Fuller

DmvEdu scholarship essay

14 September 2020

Why Choose Safe Driving

Driving is one of the most common activities in the world. With over 7 billion people around the globe, it is almost impossible to find a place where driving is not utilized. Because of this, it is imperative that driving is taken with caution and respect. To prevent any automobile related accidents, persuasions must be in effect. While some safety measures are already in effect, such as a driving age limit and various anti “drink and drive” campaigns, it has not been enough to halt the devastating amount of deaths caused by careless driving. Therefore, it is crucial that something is done to change how people drive.

One of the most crucial parts that influence safe driving is the driver’s knowledge of driving laws. Without the proper education, every driver is risking the other’s life, whether they realize it or not. For example, the average car weighs about 3500lbs, and if someone were to drive by accelerating around 10mph, that person would be moving with a minimum force of 2000 N, which is the equivalent of 7 anvils falling on you from a 5-story building. With this knowledge, it is now clear how devastating a car crash can be, especially on a highway. Another eye-opening example is texting while driving. If you were to drive 65mph on a highway, and look on your phone for two seconds, that is the equivalent of you driving 190ft with your eyes closed! Facts like these are what can change a person’s decision to speed, drink, or text while driving, which can save countless lives. Therefore, the education of drivers is very important to the safety of the roads.

To prevent these accidents to occur, new procedures must take place to ensure the safety of the driver and others. For example, rather than requiring a six-year renewal time for a driver’s license, limit it to a yearly renewal. This decrease will allow drivers to be more readily prepared for their driving experience. Further, the renewal tests, rather than just a simple check in, should have an up to date twenty question quiz regarding current issues effecting safe driving. This would cause a quick and swift decrease in certain areas of driving, such as drowsy driving. Moreover, starting a habit of shutting off your phone before you drive can save many lives by committing your focus to the road. This is especially important for teenagers and young adults, as they are not only the most effected by texting and driving, but also will one day be responsible for teaching their children about safe driving.

One of the best ways of promoting good driving behavior is by being a good example. While it may sound cheesy, it is very effective, especially towards younger audiences. By driving the speed limit, using your blinker when appropriate, and only using the horn when absolutely necessary, those driving around you may see this and feel safe around you, knowing that you are aware that you have on your driving neighbors. This not only effects how you drive, but your mindset as well. Most drivers see driving as a born-given right. However, driving is in fact a privilege, and those who abuse it make it harder for them to see why safety is so important. Another way of promoting safe driving is through organizing or joining clubs or organizations that specialize in safe driving. These groups are a great way to spread safe driving tips and promote safe behavior. Moreover, if your club is well funded, you may be able to form new laws or regulations within your city or state, which will further ensure the improvement of car safety.

Overall, the effect we have on others based on how we drive is tremendous, and people must take time to improve and continue safe driving habits. From education to clubs and organizations, many factors can help set the proper actions drivers take when choosing to drive safely. Without these necessary actions, people will continue to make poor choices and kill innocent lives due to their ignorance and lack of practice. However, if drivers choose to improve themselves and practice proper driving tactics, amount of car casualties will greatly decrease.