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Round 3 – In the Drivers Seat – Nalani Varela

Name: Nalani Varela
From: Los Alamos, NM
Votes: 0

In the Drivers Seat – Nalani Varela

In the Driver’s Seat, Why Drivers Education Is Important

Driver education is important to reduce the number of deaths caused by driving because if someone starts driving with no knowledge on how to drive safely, how are they supposed to know that they have to stop at a red light? As an uneducated driver they will probably be unaware of their surroundings and the other drivers around them. This is even more dangerous because if they don’t know that they need to stop at a red light they won’t know to look for other cars coming through the light. Being aware of your driving and other drivers is a key factor in reducing the number of deaths caused by drivers.

To reduce the number of deaths caused by driving it is important for drivers to understand how powerful a moving vehicle can really be. Knowing how powerful and how dangerous driving can be will help drivers be more cautious and aware when they are behind the wheel of a car. Being behind the wheel of a car should be earned through passing tests with full understanding, certifications, and proper driver education, not just given to someone because they reached a certain age.

Personally I have only been in one car accident. I was young and with my mom driving through a construction zone. There was a young driver behind us not paying attention and rear ended us. Luckily no one got hurt but if the other driver had been paying more attention to the road the whole situation could have been avoided.

To become a better and safer driver I avoid using my phone while behind the wheel and keeping distractions, like super loud music or too many friends in the car, to a minimum. It is also important to maintain and refresh my knowledge on driving rules and regulations. By doing this I am setting an example for my little sister and other drivers.