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Round 3 – The Importance of Drivers Education

Name: Lauren R Johnson
From: Walla Walla, WA
Votes: 5

The Importance of Drivers Education

The Importance of Drivers Education

Prior to stepping behind the wheel, teens need to have completed and passed a driver’s education course to ensure the safety of themselves and others on the roads. The curriculum taught during said course teaches young drivers the fundamentals of how to handle a multitude of dangerous situations such as driving on busy interstates, at night, or through harsh weather conditions. Not only is it necessary to understand the laws of the road, but the ability to anticipate fellow drivers’ actions provides a sense of responsibility that could save one’s life on the occasion of a potential crash. New drivers learn good techniques to safely maneuver through lanes and roadway exits to ensure that they arrive at their destination safely. It is also taught how to position oneself self on the roads so that the driver can be in the time and place to think about the safest decisions before it’s too late to act. The basic vehicle control and safety measures that are taught in driver’s education are essential for situations that could end in either life or death.

Like trying to take a test on only a few hours of sleep, driving while sleep deprived is very dangerous and has taken too many lives. Texting while driving is also just as harmful as being impaired by drugs or alcohol while behind the wheel. Before stepping on the gas, the driver should do a self-check; Am I too tired? Have I been drinking? Have I taken drugs? Am I mentally stable? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, under no circumstance, should you hit the road. Being on time is not worth your life and neither is responding to a text message. In the case that the phone notification does in fact need attention, you should pull over to the side of the road, come to a complete stop and then attend to the message. Besides ensuring that you are mentally ready to begin driving, your vehicle should be as well. Be sure to check that your mirrors and seat are positioned correctly, your tires are well pressured, and that all windshield wipers, defrosters, lights, and breaks are in a good working state. A well-conditioned vehicle will put you in a better position to make quick and thoughtful decisions while driving. Only if you are thoroughly prepared should you begin to drive, and by following these procedures before entering the vehicle many fatalities can be avoided.

In the year and a half that I have been a licensed driver, I have had the scary experience of two car accidents; the first was just three months after I turned 16, and the other was last month where I witnessed my co-worker crash in my rear view mirror. My first encounter happened as I was driving home from dance team practice when all of a sudden a lady in a large truck blew a stop sign and T-Boned my car. Luckily I was hit on the passenger side with nobody riding with me, although my car was totaled and I had a slight neck injury. The second crash occurred also when I was headed home from dance, but this time on the highway and at 10 pm. I was in the fast lane when I saw a large plastic tote in the road. In the midst of time, I switched lanes and as I passed it, I glanced in my rearview mirror and watched the car behind me overcompensate for switching lanes, loose control of steering and hit the median, and ended up with the rear on top of the barrier. I quickly pulled over to call 911 and in the end, she was not injured. Both of these situations could have been avoided if correct responsibility measures were taken. In my own crash, by following the law and making a complete stop at the stop sign, the collision wouldn’t have occurred, and if the driver of the vehicle whose tote flew out would have pulled to the side of the road and waited till it was safe to retrieve his cargo, the dangerous crash would have been prevented.

To keep our roads safe for all, drivers need to ensure that they are able to maintain a focused state while driving which includes being well-rested and not under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or overwhelming mental stresses. Not only does your wellbeing affect how you drive, but the vehicle you are driving affects safety on the road as well. By making sure your vehicle’s safety features are working properly and that you are comfortable with the circumstances you will have the opportunity to be much safer and are able to think smartly when making quick decisions that come with driving. Steering clear from distractions including your phone can make all the difference and is why I choose to take all safety precautions before driving anywhere, even if it is just down the street. Every driver should remember that the safety of themselves and others on the road starts with you, and nothing is more important than your life. Drivers education courses teach the rules of the road to keep all travelers safe and the lessons that are taught will save your life.