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Round 3 – Lessons For The Road

Name: Ada Stiglbauer
From: Cayce, SC
Votes: 1

Lessons For The Road

Lessons for The Road

At the age of fifteen, my mom and I were victims of a serious car accident due to another driver texting while behind the wheel. This traumatic experience occurred before I got my permit and license, so it very heavily influenced my determination to always be mindful of my actions on the road. Driving a 4,000-pound piece of metal carries a heavy responsibility, one that takes intentional mindfulness to learn how to handle. My story is a constant reminder to every driver of how critical proper driver education is. Learning about road safety is important to reduce the number of vehicle related deaths and accidents.

Simply being more mindful of the way we respond to situations on the road can draw the line between life and death. It is important to teach how to respond to the risks at hand to minimize the number of deaths on the road. Following the rules taught in driver handbooks such as yielding the right of way and using lane signals to indicate lane changes are essential to notifying other drivers of your courses of action. Being fully aware of our surroundings is the best way to prevent conflict because it maximizes the reaction time a driver has. It is important to be focused on what is going on around you. Being watchful of the cars around you using your rearview mirror and side mirrors as well as constantly scanning the road in front of you can dramatically reduce the likelihood of accidents with other cars and objects obstructing the roadway. Following official safety procedures provided by state websites, manuals, and guidelines is a tool that has proven immeasurable success. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, wearing a seatbelt decreases the risk of death by atleast 45% and injury by about 50% (Policy Impact: Seat Belts). These statistics point to the alarming fact that so many car-related deaths could have been avoided if proper safety measures such as wearing a seatbelt had been followed. Further, having seats adjusted the proper distance from the steering wheel and keeping both hands on the steering wheel at all times are helpful tips to follow. Adhering to these rules is a great way to minimize the risks of accidents and deaths on the road. Raising awareness for road safety can be extremely influential in the lives of young drivers and adults alike as so much of one’s lifetime is spent behind the wheel.

Ultimately, I can be a safer driver by practicing each of the safety rules needed while behind the wheel. Change starts with our own actions, and reducing the number of car-related deaths and accidents can start with how I and my peers treat safety in the car. After being personally impacted by the failure to adhere to safety rules, I am driven, to make safety the highest priority. Following proper safety procedures is the perfect way to be a role model for friends, family, passengers, and fellow drivers. Further, encouraging my friends and family to be mindful while they are driving would inspire the best and promote safety.


Policy Impact: Seat Belts” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 3 Jan. 2011, drivers and front-seat,of serious injury by 50%.&text=Seat belts prevent drivers and,a vehicle during a crash.