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Round 3 – Driver’s Education Initiative 2020: In the Driver’s Seat

Name: David K Mbugua
From: Tacoma, Washington
Votes: 27

Driver’s Education Initiative 2020: In the Driver’s Seat

David K. Mbugua


Driver Education Initiative 2020: In the Driver’s Seat

The Driver’s Seat! Yes, the driver’s seat might look luxurious from a distance. however, it comes with so many responsibilities that many drivers don’t want to bear and end up doing what they are not supposed to do. Causing accidents, that will cost people’s life, leave others crippled permanently, while others are left to deal with the pain of losing loved ones. When you are in the driver’s seat you assume responsibility for keeping yourself and others safe, obey the road signs and rules, and keep other people’s properties safe from any damage you might cause while in the driver’s seat. And this is where driver’s education comes in handy when following the rules and signs and keeping other road users safe.

First and foremost, learning how to drive is a necessity and not a luxury. Although learning how to drive is a good thing and will add value to your life, it’s advisable to get a quality driver’s education from a credited driving school with certified instructors. Driving comes with responsibilities that one should be prepared to handle because our roads are so dangerous and full of unqualified and reckless drivers. When you assume the driver’s seat, you are responsible for all other road users not forgetting the pedestrians. Many of the people in the driver’s seat today, happen to be reckless drivers who didn’t get proper driver’s education. And as a result, they are always causing accidents and putting other people’s lives in danger. To avoid this, one should go to a certified driving school to get proper driving lessons from certified driving instructors.

Getting proper driver education, will help you know the road rules and follow them when you are in the driver’s seat. Getting proper driving skills will help reduce road carnage that claims hundreds of lives every day. To reduce the huge number of deaths on the road, there must be a change in how people in the driver’s seat conduct themselves. That change will start with you by getting the proper driver’s education from certified institutions providing driver’s education. Implement what you learned by Following and obeying the road signs and rules. Always give way when necessary, because by stopping for even a few seconds, you might save a life or two. “The worst thing you can do while driving is to assume other drivers will drive safely, they can see you, or they are not dangerous.”

One rainy day as I was driving to the store with my family, I was in the driver’s seat and we came to an intersection with traffic lights and stopped because our light was red. We were on the outer lane and there were two cars in front of us. When the lights turned green, the first car started moving followed by the second car. As a rule, you must give the car in front a few seconds to drive away before you start moving. That’s what I did and after a few seconds, I started driving, then suddenly, the car in front of me bumped into the first car in the middle of the intersection. I tried breaking and swaying to the right, but because it was slippery, I ended rear-ending the car in front of me. Later, we came to know the cause of the accident was the first car to our left changed lane and was about to collide with the first car on our lane. And that’s when the driver in the first car on our lane decided to break and give way to the driver changing lane and the accident occurred. Even though there was no one who got hurt, the driver who caused the accident by changing lanes didn’t even stop. The first car was damaged on the back, the second car was damaged in the front due to the impact, while on the back only a scratch and paint ripping out because at least I reduced the impact by breaking. The damage on my car was only the hood bending inward slightly. Long story short, I ended up being blamed for rear-ending the second car and my insurance company told me they paid a lot to cover for the damage, and my premium skyrocketed.

Anyone in the driver’s seat should always be cautious and mindful of other road users and assume the role of being your brother’s keeper. For me, I made a vow to always follow the road rules and signs, and always give way to whoever is in a rush. If I happen to have an appointment, I would rather be late because of giving way to another driver, than be in a hurry and end up causing an accident. But because I don’t want to be late, I always prefer to leave early so that I don’t rush and arrive at my destination in time and safely. I don’t Overspeed and I only overtake when necessary.