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Round 3 – Driving Safely

Name: Paige Gantzler
From: San Antonio, Texas
Votes: 13

Driving Safely

Paige Gantzler

“It’s better to arrive late, than arrive ugly.”- Darcy Gilmore. Driving safely is a thing that is sadly taken for granted way too often in this day and age. My parents drilled into me from the very first time it was mentioned of me driving, that safety always comes before all other things, especially when you’re driving. I follow that warning every time I get onto the road, by wearing my seat belt, not being on my phone while in the driver’s seat, and also not driving with a lot of passengers to easily distract me. Driving safely keeps us alive and brings us back home with our loved ones.

I make sure that before I even turn on the car that I have my seat belt on securely. I never want to be on one of the news stories that say, “If only she was wearing a seat belt.” I eliminate that chance every time I put on my seat belt before I drive and when I am a passenger as well. I do the same whenever I have anyone else in the car with me driving. Seat belts were invented for a reason so why not use them? They are a tool that car engineers created to keep us safe if the unthinkable ever were to happen.

I keep my phone away from me while driving until I reach my destination. Texting while driving is not only risking your life, but also the lives of people around. There are way too many accidents that are caused by someone not paying attention due to their phone. That is one of the main reasons I keep my phone in my purse or backpack on silent, out of sight, out of mind. Responding to a text, changing the song, and answering a phone call can wait. Your life and others around you are way more important.

Another way I drive safely is I don’t drive with a lot of passengers in my vehicle to distract me. I find that when you have a lot of people in the car you tend to focus more on what they’re talking about than on the road. There have also been plenty of accidents involving people my age due to the sheer amount of people in their car distracting them. I understand the appeal of going somewhere all together and taking one vehicle, but it is safer just to all caravan in separate vehicles.

Driving safely should never at any point in time be an afterthought in your mind when you get into a vehicle. People often only think of getting to their destination and are in a hurry to get there that when something happens, they are too distracted to react appropriately and that can mean life and death for them. “The best drivers are aware that they must be aware” – unknown. Think first, before you act, this quote works for more than just out of car situations. Driving safely is what is the main focus when driving, nothing else.