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Round 3 – The Responsibility of a Driver

Name: Lydia O'Keefe
From: Manassas, VA
Votes: 5

The Responsibility of a Driver

I know from experience that driving is dangerous. I also know that to most teenagers, it doesn’t appear that way. Driving has become a normal aspect of life, necessary for many. Because of its familiarity, new drivers assume that it will be easy to learn, and often don’t consider the high risk. This fatal habit of overlooking the danger is what has made car accidents the leading cause of death for teenagers. I personally know it is easy to feel safe, confident in never becoming one of those fatalities. Yet the scary truth is that drivers are their own worst enemy. The majority of new drivers crash because they lacked critical skills. Being knowledgeable and safe is the responsibility of every driver, and driver education should reflect that. 

When I began driving on my own, I focused on the fun and accomplishment that came with my license, not the worry or risk. That changed when, because I was distracted, I got into an accident. The experience woke me up to how I could have seriously injured myself or someone else. The crash made me a better driver because I realized that my irresponsibility hurt my passengers, family, and the people driving near me. By choosing to drive, each person takes on a responsibility to focus on the road and be wary of the dangers. Driver education is the most important key to understanding this responsibility, as well as giving the necessary motor skills. The roads will never be safe as long as new drivers do not have the ability to be safe, or if they do not care about it. 

Through better driver training, the number of road fatalities has decreased year by year. Yet for many, it is still insufficient, proven by the number of accidents caused by simple mistakes. Instead of presenting a one-size-fits-all approach, driving programs should focus on the individual’s strengths and weaknesses. One way that education could be improved is through the use of virtual reality and videogame style interfaces that present the new driver with a driving situation and let them make a decision. This program can analyze and pinpoint what the student needs to practice in real life, and what critical skills they are missing. While this type of interactive training has already been used in additional for-profit programs, if a system was adopted nationally as part of driver’s education, it would significantly improve skills and decision-making. 

Education should also stress that driving safely requires full attention- having distractions or anything else that slows down reaction time will always have a consequence. Being focused and respectful of other drivers is necessary for anyone, no matter their experience. If every person behind the wheel had their full attention on the road, driving fatalities would not be such a grave problem. For every driver, remembering that their responsibility is to be careful with their life and the lives of those around them is key to making our roads safe.