Name: Kasbaye Couch
From: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Votes: 2261
Take My Advice, and Save a Life
Many kids in the age range of 15-18 take a Drivers Education course. Some take this course very seriously while others just do it because they want to either please their parents, get their license quickly, or just because they are supposed to. These are not reasonable reasons why you should take a Drivers Ed course.You should take a Drivers Education course to be educated on what it takes to become a good driver. So before taking a Drivers Education course, ask yourself, “Am I going to apply what I learned here out there?” “Or am I just completing this course because I want to get my license quicker?” It is so evident that you examine yourself and your intentions when it comes to driving, before you get behind the wheel. While Drivers Ed can seem like a long process, it is a very necessary process. We talk about the dangers of reckless driving, driving under the influence, distracted driving, and how to become a better driver. Drivers Ed is important because it educates the minds of teeneragers who, for the most part, are eager to get out on the road and impress their friends and family with what they already know about driving. Drivers Education gives teenagers a sense of direction on how to operate a car, what to do when situations get confrontational, and how to drive in diverse weather conditions.With having a Driver’s Education course under your belt you are able to judge your driving skills and take action into reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving.
Getting into a car can be very exciting, but it is so important that your excitement doesn’t cloud your good judgment. Here are a few steps to keep in mind before getting onto the road. Step one: “Don’t ever take your eyes off the road.” You may hear that statement the first or second day of Drivers Ed. Though you never want to take your eyes off the road, whether it be for grabbing a snack, doing your make-up, or sending/receiving a text message, you should keep your eyes moving. By that I mean don’t keep your eyes fixated straight ahead. If you keep your eyes straight ahead you miss out on what is happening on the sides of you, and that can result in what is known as a T-bone accident. Step two: Always look both ways when crossing an intersection, look for other vehicles, and ALWAYS pay attention to the speed limit and the other posted traffic signs. Distracted driving is the leading cause for car related deaths, with drunk driving riding its coattails. As of 2021, about 400 lives were lost due to drivers who were careless enough to receive and send a text message, thinking that they could juggle driving and phone duty at the same time. Next, know your car. If you can’t find the emergency parking brake, or the hazard button on your car, or any other safety measure that your car has, then don’t get into the car. Instead, take the time to learn your car and its functions. Lastly, avoid peer pressure. Peer pressure can come from anyone and everyone, even your parents. If your parents are pushing you to go 5 or 10 miles over the speed limit because you’re going “too slow,” don’t listen to them, even if they are your parents, because your parents can be wrong. Do the right thing, and if you don’t know what to do in certain situations, ask someone who you know won’t lead you astray. In the end, learn by yourself, don’t give into peer pressure, and stay alert. By doing these things you can protect you and those around you on the road.
Fortunately, I have never been in a car crash, but I have witnessed in Minneapolis, what I like to call “Emotional Drivers.” These types of drivers let their emotions control the car and not their physical bodies. I can say from observing my family’s driving and driving myself, that these types of drivers will try to push other cars to go faster than what the speed limit mandates, because of their anger. This is commonly seen amongst experienced drivers. They will push less experienced drivers, teenagers for example, to either drive faster than the speed limit or run a red light. And because this type of conduct scares an inexperienced driver they will drive faster than the speed limit and possibly lose their license or even worse, their life.
To reduce the numbers of deaths, it is important to keep the following in mind. Wear your seatbelt. By wearing your seatbelt you are protecting yourself by decreasing your chances of death by 45%, and serious injuries by 50%. Many deaths occur because the driver was either distracted or not wearing their seatbelt. Next, try to stay alert and focused. Never drive when you are tired or under the influence, and put away all distractions. If you feel tired, find the nearest resting area and rest before getting back on the road. Another key step to follow is to obey the speed limit. No matter how slow you feel you’re going, always drive the speed limit. In Minnesota, as of 2021, around 400 people have died because they were either struck by a speeding car or were speeding themselves. It is important to always drive the speed limit so you give yourself time to brake safely. Lastly, when driving, maintain a reasonable distance between you and the car in front of you; roughly the size of one car. This will most likely reduce the possibility of rear-ended collisions. So in return, remember, wear your seatbelt, obey the speed limit, get rid of the distractions, stay awake and leave yourself out to avoid trouble. Therefore, take my advice; and save a life.
In conclusion, no matter how long you have been driving there will always be room for improvement; be safe, do the right thing, pay attention, have patience, and I guarantee you the roads will become safer for us all.