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Educate: To Escape The Police Tape, The Body Drape and Streaming of any News Videotape

Drivers ed Initiative Award – Summer 2019

Name: Luther Daniel Harris
From: Palm Desert, CA
Votes: 40



16, 2019

To Escape the Police Tape, The Body Drape and Streaming of any News

most important aspect of drivers ed is to stress driving safely
to reduce the high numbers related to serious accidents and
fatalities. In order to reduce accidents, drivers need to view their
cars, trucks, and motorcycles as a dangerous weapon, to escape police
tape, a body drape and streaming of any news videotape.

a teenager, one of the steps that can be taken to reduce the number
of deaths related to driving is to make the Highway Patrol Start
Smart Program mandatory for everyone, in addition to having those who
survive an accident or get a speeding ticket to take another driver
test related entirely to car accidents. At the end of the Start Smart
Program, I attended, we were asked to offer feedback about how to
reduce accidents. I offered they should show more videos that showed
how our organs are damaged in a car accident causing death as a
result, to be more impactful to drivers to drive safely.

year, during my sophomore year, our entire school body experienced a
traumatic incident involving three students who were in a serious car
crash. Their accident was on the news for a month. Two of the
students were in critical condition and one walked away with
scratches. Two out of the three eventually returned to school and one
did not. Their accident changed many lives and it had a profound
effect on me about not wanting to learn how to drive. Prior to their
accident, I had been critiquing my mother’s no accident driving
over a period of several months if I thought she was slowing down too
far away from a car in front of her on the highway or if I thought
she could pass cars and drive faster and if she could have made a
turn, instead of waiting. She would always use my “backseat driver”
comments as opportunities to explain how many car lengths a driver
should be when driving behind a car to give you time to stop or avoid
an accident. She always says “You have to drive for yourself and
pay attention to everyone else”

the accident my classmates suffered from that affected us all, I have
become a silent observer of my mother’s safe driving skills.
Additionally, I appreciate the California Highway Patrol Start Smart
Program that my mother took me to as another form of educating me to
be a safe driver. I completed the online driving class as well to be
better prepared to be a responsible driver. I am in no hurry about
driving. My main focus is on completing all the steps that make me a
safe licensed driver and passenger. Sharing my classmate’s accident
with others would resonate to help them escape the police tape, the
body drape, and streaming of any news videotape and returning home

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