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Our future drivers in America

Driver Education Initiative Award – Summer 2019

Name: Taejonon Yazhe Denetclaw
From: Albuquerque, NM
Votes: 30


created to educate new drivers, educate young drivers especially! The
importance of driving responsibly: no distractions, no reckless


of the most common habits performed while driving, and a majority of
the time the most common factor in car crash deaths. In the future we
can change this, we can teach our young drivers about the truth &
lie behind alcohol consumption, it just so happens that it is not
needed to have a “fun” time, it is not needed to feel “better.”
In fact, studies show that it does not enhance anything to the body,
it just nullifies the body’s abilities. And, there is evidence from
an experiment where a professor took a handful of students to a bar
and offered to pay for their drink, the students drank and had a fun
time. After, the professor told the students that their drinks did
not have any alcoholic content (I know what you’re thinking “oh
my god”) the students faces clearly were in confusion and awe.

night drives with the bro”:

my brother, who has been drinking for years has grown accustomed to
drinking & driving– BAD mix (pun intended). When I was younger I
would stay with him and his girlfriend and there are different
reasons why I was with him in the car but often it would be because I
wanted to go stay with them (mainly because my niece, but also they
had a nice place, there was always food to eat and cable TV!) anyway,
I enjoyed the stay but there was an instance where my mom had told me
I should go with my brother to make sure he made it safe home, I
didn’t drive but I had to monitor him while he drove intoxicated.
Obviously we lived, but it is not a calm/happy situation to be in, I
often found myself reflecting on how could a person’s life drowning
in alcohol ever be satisfied from drinking, to, “I wish my brother…
” (I know, sad but people can change.) Today he doesn’t drink &

take the wheel!:

I am with my friends I often critique their driving and offer some
advice like “drive with your hands here and there because…”,
“here’s how you can have a smoother stop… ” , and “look
before you turn your signal like because…” and their driving has
definitely progressed, and now I feel safe with them whenever they
drive me and us passengers (friends) somewhere. And, they can proudly
say they are safe drivers and because they drive cognitively with
other drivers in mind.

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