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Safe on the Roads, Safe on the Way Home

Name: Ashlee Roberts
From: Salt Lake City, UT
Votes: 0

on the Roads, Safe on the Way Home

Driving is
a dangerous mode of transportation. Driving while distracted is even
more dangerous. Distracted driving is a huge problem that many people
encounter in their lives and it could end badly for some. People who
partake in distracted driving not only puts themselves in danger, but
the people around them on the roads. All it takes is one second of
this type of driving to have a negative effect on everyone.
Distracted driving begins with bad habits, These habits can be
avoided by taking and applying the correct driving methods learned in
a drivers ed course. Drivers ed courses are very
important to any driver. The course is where a driver fully
understands the rules of the road and should apply those rules to
their personal driving skills. A drivers ed uses correct
teaching methods to ensure the safety of all drivers. It is important
for all drivers to fully engage in these courses to develop the right
driving skills. With these courses, people can learn how to drive
correctly using the correct skills. The more skills people learn, the
safer they are driving, which in turn hells reduce the amount of
fatalities on the road. If people learn correct driving skills, there
wouldn’t be as many accidents resulting in fatalities. Fatalities
on the road are most commonly sudden and unexpected, but with the
correct skills, there wouldn’t be as many fatalities on the roads.

To reduce
the number of fatalities on the road people should be educated first
about the crucial rules of the road. People should be educated about
how good driving skills can go a long way. Driving well can lead to
better habits and less accidents. With less accidents occurring on
the road, more people will be able to return home safely. Safety on
the road is important and everyone should take into account their
safety and other people’s safety when they drive. Being safe on the
road allows for you and others to return safely home.

I have
experienced my safety being impaired while in a vehicle. My friend
becomes distracted while driving by her phone. Every little vibration
makes her turn her focus from the road to the phone. I become uneasy
when this happens and I let her know. She knows that I don’t like
it when she does it so she puts me in charge of her phone while
driving. Her distracted driving could end horribly for others and
herself. Distracted driving occurs everyday and it happens to a lot
of people, even including me. Some of the habits that I tend to have
is being focused on my music that it impairs my hearing. I love to
listen to music and I will admit that I do occasionally look at my
phone while driving. These actions not only put me in danger, but it
also puts others in danger as well. I want to be a better person on
the road and the first step is to put the distractions to an end. I
believe that I should not be even looking at my phone while operating
a vehicle and I should not have my music impair my hearing while
driving. It is a bad judgement call on my part. I want to work to be
better on the roads. I believe we all can be a little better when
driving. The first step in decreasing distracted driving is
understanding what habit is causing you to be distracted. The next is
doing everything you can to stop the distraction. Stopping
distractions lowers the accidents. Lowering the accidents lowers the
fatalities. All of us drivers can personally help decrease fatalities
by choosing to not be a distracted driver. The good driving habits
starts with us.