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Round 3 – Improving Driver Safety

Name: Hailey Jordan
From: Fairmont, WV
Votes: 0

Improving Driver Safety

Driving is a significant task that should always be approached with uttermost caution to ensure the well-being of the driver, passengers in the vehicle, and all other individuals on the road. Throughout the years of driving, not only has there been countless crashes and injuries, but also numerous deaths. Driver education is extremely important in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving. With driver education being taught primarily to new drivers of the road, it enables them to learn all the complexities of driving. Overtime, they become familiar with backroads, main roads, and interstates. They also are provided with information such as the meaning of different road signs and ways to lower the risk of injury. If each new driver knows how to stay as safe as possible, the amount of deaths due to crashes will greatly reduce. That’s why driver education is important in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving.

A portion of deaths on the road have the ability to be avoided. Although we cannot change the past, we can reduce the number of future deaths related to driving. In order for this to happen, drivers need to take the initiative and follow recommendations of how to be a safe driver. Drivers should make sure there are no distractions, and they never should get behind the wheel under influence of anything or when they’re tired. If drivers are more aware and alert while on the roads, the numerous deaths related to driving will decrease. Those are steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving.

I have been fortunate enough to never had the experience of being in a car accident. Although I’ve never been in one, there has been several instances where it was highly likely to occur because my friends and family members were driving irresponsibly. I’ve been in a vehicle where the driver was on their phone, and I’ve been in one where the occupants (myself included) were unknowingly being loud. These actions caused a major distraction and could have created a tragic ending. Those are some cases where I’ve seen my friends and family members drive irresponsibly.

There are several steps I can take to become a better and safer driver as well as helping others become safer on the road. Some of these steps include ensuring my phone is away, setting the volume of the music low, and being aware at all times. If both my phone is put away and the music is low, I will eliminate the most common distractions while driving. Being aware at all times (including watching my speed) allows me to know what I’m approaching while also watching other vehicles. Not only can I take these precautions, but I can also teach others about them as well to ensure their safety. Those are steps I can take to be a better and safer driver as well as helping others become safer on the road.