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Round 3 – Driver Safety

Name: Drew Young
From: Pittsburgh, PA
Votes: 0

Driver Safety

Driver Safety Scholarship Essay

Submitted by Drew Young

Death as a result of driving is based on many factors; Negligence, Carelessness, Lack of Attention and Lack of Education. When drivers are educated on the basic fundamentals and techniques, it will enable them to understand how to maneuver and control a vehicle. A driver will learn to comprehend and recognize the importance of how to safely operate a vehicle. When you know better, you will do better – and therefore, learning and appreciating the essential concepts of driving will enable one to recognize the importance of safety on behalf of a driver and pedestrian.

There are many steps that one can take in order to reduce the number of deaths that are related to driving, such as: Do not drive while under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Make sure you obey the laws of traffic (i.e.: Traffic Lights, Road Signs and Speed Postings). You can also avoid distractions like talking on the cell phone and controlling unruly passengers.

I have not personally experienced a car accident, but I have witnessed many of my friends driving irresponsibly because they are new drivers and are unable to focus. The excitement of getting a license has become a distraction. Which means they are not paying attention to the traffic laws and other drivers. This is hazardous and irresponsible.

There are many steps that take in order to be a safer driver such as wearing seatbelts, planning your destination and route ahead of time, ensuring that your car has been properly maintenance, don’t tailgate and drive at the posted speed limit, don’t drive aggressively and lastly, make sure that your Driver’s License and Car Insurance are always up-to-date.

I had the opportunity to practice safe driving once I obtained my Driver’s Permit. I was able to drive on a daily basis with a licensed driver in the car who would provide me with excellent tips. I was able to learn the many difference facets and techniques of driving which allowed me to appreciate the importance of safely operating a vehicle.