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Round 3 – Alert Today – Alive Tomorrow

Name: Pero Mikulic
From: Oklahoma City, OK
Votes: 0

Alert Today – Alive Tomorrow

Alert today – Alive tomorrow

All teenagers are looking forward to that day, where they make one step closer to independency, when getting in a car and driving off, after they finally obtained their driver’s license. But most of them do not realize how dangerous driving can be, once they find themselves in a situation where they (almost) had an accident. 38,000 people lost their lives in car crashes in 2019 alone, leaving thousands of families behind in grief, anger, and agony after their loved ones did not make it to their final destination. On the 25th of July in 2019, I could have been one of those drivers not making it. Luckily, I got away without any injuries after a blue Volkswagen hit me from the passenger side caused through speeding at an intersection.

From that moment on, I realized that safe driving is not a one-way street but a responsibility that all drivers must be aware of. But being aware is not enough, a good education and practice is crucial to keep the death count as low as possible. Images of accidents caused by drunk drivers can help to sensible people on the importance of traffic rules and prevent carelessness of drivers towards themselves and other road users. Especially young people tend to overestimate their driving skills and are therefore much likelier to be involved in a car crash. One of the primary causes for car accidents is the use of cell phones while driving. One way to prevent that could be to increase the fines for cellphone users and a mandated retraining program to reinstate their driver’s license. Also putting the seatbelt on should be a routine when getting in the car as well as keeping the eyes and mind on the road.

If everyone would start with these basic steps, the roads would be much safer. Be the change you wish to see on the road. If you are in a hurry do not drive too close to the car in front of you because you might put this person under pressure and increase the likeliness of a mistake from the person driving in front of you and yourself. At the end, the safest risk is the one you did not take and therefore I always prefer it to be late than risking lives of others and myself.

For that reason, I learned to leave earlier and not be in a hurry when driving. My cellphone is always out of reach while driving and putting the seatbelt on, is the first thing I do when getting in a car. Practicing myself in patience is another important step I took, to contribute my part to a safer road. To be aware of my surroundings, I avoid loud music and checking the mirrors is now an inherent part while driving. Keeping enough distance to the car in front of me, gives me plenty of time to react. These steps will help me to be a better driver and protect others on the road.