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Round 3 – 2020 Driver Education

Name: Silvana Bowser
From: Sanford, FL
Votes: 0

2020 Driver Education

2020 Driver Education

By Silvana Bowser

The importance of having driver education in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving is high. If we teach the proper way to drive and enforce the rules of safe driving, it’s a step in the right direction. When I was in school we had driver’s education class, we were given a manual to read and study. We were also shown those videos of car accidents to make a point about being safe behind the wheel. I remember the first time I was behind the wheel it was very intimating and scary. I took it very seriously. If we can provide the proper tools to people today maybe it can save lives.

Some steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving are as follows: require all drivers to have the driving program that can track how you are driving. Some people may not be aware that they are an unsafe driver. They should also have navigation systems in all cars; therefore, there won’t be a need for people to be on their cell phones and be distracted. Also, we should keep drivers’ knowledge and skills up to speed with the rules and regulations. Drivers’ need to practice driving a safe distance and not tailgating. But everyone these days seems to be in such a rush. One of the easiest things to do is to wear your seatbelt, I never get into a car and not put it on.

Yes, I have been in a few fender benders. I have caused two in my life, one of which was when I was extremely exhausted driving to work early in the morning and with the sun in my eyes I hit the car in front of me. The second instance I was rushing to my kid’s school for curriculum night and the kids were fighting and there was rain. I slammed on my breaks but it wasn’t good enough. There was no damage to the person’s car but mine was in bad shape. We all need to make a couscous effort to drive safely and defensively. The reality is that there are always distractions we just need to be better.

The sets I can take to be a safer and better driver on the road is to not be on my cell phone at all, to clearly lay down the laws to the kids that while in the car they need to not distract me. I can focus on the road and consistently have my eyes on my surroundings and checking my mirrors every few seconds. Being aware of your surroundings can help you point out potential accidents. I have been able to prevent accidents this way before. I could see that the other driver was distracted by their phone or other people in their car so I would closely watch them to try to predict their next move. In order to predict their next move I had to plan ahead and figure out an escape route. I can make sure to obey all the speed limit signs, watch out for bad weather, keeping my distance and not follow too closely.