Name: Daniel Cadigan
From: Sunrise, Florida
Votes: 110
Being aware of your surroundings at all times is key. Just as some are taught when they are younger to be aware when crossing the street on foot to; stop, look, listen before you cross the street, use your eyes, your ears, then use your feet. The key of being aware whether walking or driving is crucial because you must be concerned with yourself and putting yourself in danger, and at the same time you are noticing those around you in relation to whether they are a danger to themselves or to you. The reason driver education is so important is because it provides background and current information as to the importance of being alert and aware while driving. Being educated about driving involves knowing the following factors that if not applied could lead to a car accident or much worse; distractions such as the radio, your cell phone, or even a bug in your car that would take away your focus while driving. It is extremely easy to lose focus and be distracted, to do this when operating a 3-ton vehicle and moving at any speed is reckless. Keeping up to date and educated with rules of the road, hazards, location of your destination, and limiting your distractions can reduce your rate of an accident. You must keep in mind you can not control others so being aware of them and your surroundings is part of your responsibility as a driver.
Unfortunately, I have had the experience of being in a car accident. No matter how small or how monumental an accident it was still an accident. Thank goodness no one was hurt, shaken up yes, hurt no. This was a terrifying feeling, but I knew to pull off to the side of the road, gather my thoughts, and then check in with all parties involved. This accident was the result of two drivers being distracted and I was sandwiched in the middle of the two. The driver in front of me was confused with all the construction going on and was not well prepared for road detours, as a result the driver continuously would stop abruptly looking for a way to turn into the shopping plaza he or she was going to while navigating through the detour. The driver in front found the turn needed, I stopped, but the driver behind me did not stop in time. Awareness is crucial, not only of yourself, but of those surrounding you. Most times you have control over yourself, if you don’t you should not get behind the wheel. You have no control over anyone else nor their actions.
Education is very important in aiding myself and others to be more aware and safer drivers. I can promote, encourage, and support safe driving for myself and others through various methods including; sharing on social media, conversations with my friends, and posting up safe driving tips on signs. Techniques to assist in being safer could include; watching the news or listening to the radio before leaving the house to hear the weather and traffic reports, leaving the house earlier so that you are not rushed in getting to your destination, preparing yourself the night before so that you have more time in the morning to not be rushed, ensure a great night’s sleep so you are fully attentive on the road.