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Round 3 – Education Saving Lives

Name: Jessica Franson
From: Westminster, CO
Votes: 0

Education Saving Lives

Drivers education is crucial in reducing the number of deaths caused by driving because it teaches young drivers how to drive safely in multiple situations and sets them up to succeed when they are out on the road alone. One skill taught in drivers education is defensive driving, which reduces the chances of getting into an accident before they even occur because the young drivers know how to position themselves in traffic, notice accident causes and avoid them, and drive in a manner that gives them time to react to situations. In addition, driver’s education also teaches students how to operate their cars in different weather conditions or when something is operating incorrectly so that they can be set up to succeed in those dangerous conditions. They also learn how to obey traffic rules correctly, like 4 way stops or sign and light meanings, that if not taught could cause confusion and lead to an accident.

Before an accident even happens, steps can be taken to avoid the number of deaths related to driving. One step that can be taken in eliminating distractions in the car that could take the driver’s attention off the road. This could mean turning the music down, turning your phone notifications off so you aren’t tempted to check, telling your friends in the backseat that you need to focus on the road, or wearing sunglasses so the sun isn’t blinding. Another step to reduce accidents is making sure that your car is in good shape so that an accident doesn’t occur because the brakes, blinkers, lights, mirrors, and steering is in bad condition. The final step that can be taken is keeping yourself educated on all traffic rules. By reviewing the rules for right of ways, 4 way stops, or the meaning of different signs, you can ensure that you are doing your part to reduce the amount of accidents.

Unfortunately, I have been involved in a minor car accident not too long ago. I was driving home from work through some construction and a lane was closing up ahead so a car next to me needed to change into my lane before their’s ended. The traffic was moving very slow so I wasn’t staying very alert and did not notice the car was changing lanes until it was too late. However, the car changing lanes did not turn their blinker on, so when they swerved in front of me I wasn’t expecting it, so I rear ended the car. Thankfully, there was very minimal damage and neither me, or the other drive had to pay for repairs. Steps I could have done to avoid the accident was making sure I was alert and checking all my mirrors around me to stay aware of what other cars were doing. The other car could have turned on their blinker and given me, and the cars around me, time to notice that they needed to get over and then changed lanes.