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Round 3 – The Important Skill of Driving

Name: Caeley Miller-Ryan
From: McCall, Idaho
Votes: 2

The Important Skill of Driving

Caeley Miller-Ryan

The Important Skill of Driving

The importance of Driver’s Education can not be understated. I learned so many important skills that I do not believe a private party would have taught me. Learning to check all safety systems before starting the car, ensuring seat belt use by all passengers, and driving with other students in the car were all invaluable. I especially liked that we had to research articles about car accidents and discuss what could have been done differently to prevent the accident. It was also made clear how a clean, organized car is also important to safety.

I believe that many of the things we learned in Driver’s Education can help to prevent the number of deaths. By far the most important, is to wear a seat belt. Where I live, there is not the highest seat belt compliance and we see in the news all the time about people dying in accidents that were not wearing a seat belt. It makes me so sad. Another important thing to prevent the number of deaths is to follow the safety laws; drive within the speed limits, obey all traffic signs and signals, and do not tailgate are some of the most important ones.

Just a mere two weeks after receiving my license at the age of 16, I had an accident. Fortunately, I was not hurt, but I did cause costly damage to my mother’s car. I was driving along a rural dirt road. I am not even sure what happened, other than I must have been daydreaming because before I knew it, I had crashed the car into a small tree and a barbed wire fence. I damaged the front end of the car. I was so upset that I had done something so irresponsible. I learned a valuable lesson though early in my driving experience about staying alert and staying present in the moment when driving. Your attention needs to be on driving, nothing else.

I remain diligent in the steps I can take to be a better and safer driver. As stated above, I always stay alert and present and focused on my driving. I never drive or allow my passengers to be in the car without a seat belt. I set up a music playlist in advance, so I am not tempted to be distracted with finding music. I never text and drive or answer my phone. I always follow the speed limit and obey all traffic signs. I would never drink and drive, and I will never get in a car with someone who has been drinking. My parents have told me no matter what the time or where I am, they will come get me if I need a ride and don’t feel safe getting in the car with someone. If I feel a friend is driving unsafe, even if I am not in the car, I will tell them. I follow all of this, all the time, to remain safe and prevent accidents and tragedies.