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Round 3 – Before it’s Too Late

Name: Riana Abeshima
From: 96789, Hawai'i
Votes: 0

Before it’s Too Late

Riana Abeshima

25 September 2020

Before it’s Too Late

Learning the rules of the road is one of the first steps in getting a driver’s license. Some abide by the information taught during driver’s education, while others simply disregard them. In these lessons, people are taught to drive the speed limit, utilize their mirrors, check blindspots, and constantly be aware of their surroundings. They are taught not only how to protect themselves, but others as well. Whether they are a teenager or an adult wanting to get their license, driver’s education is a crucial step in becoming a safe driver.

Requiring driver’s education for all ages would reduce the number of car accidents and deaths by providing important information about the safety tips and rules of the road. For example, learning about hydroplaning and driving in extreme weather conditions could prevent a driver from spiraling out of control during a rainstorm. Learning about proper head checks could prevent two cars from colliding while changing lanes. If you are over the age of 18, driver’s education is not a requirement. The downside to this is that some people may wait until they are of legal age to skip driver’s education courses. However, the rules of the road don’t change as you get older.

Sometimes, people only realize the importance of safe driving through mistakes. Sometimes, people only realize the importance of safe driving when it’s too late. In the beginning of August, 2020, a young man crashed into the guardrail on the freeway here on Oahu, resulting in death. The front of the vehicle was completely smashed, wedging itself under the railing. Although he had no other passengers in the car, this death could have been prevented. This man was someone’s significant other, a cousin, a son. Some say he was driving under the influence. Some say he fell asleep behind the wheel. But the only one who knows what happened was the driver himself. It shouldn’t take heart wrenching moments like these for people to utilize safe driving and abide by the rules of the road.

When you are behind the wheel, take the extra measures to ensure your safety. Making complete stops at a stop sign, watching for pedestrians, and wearing your seat belt are a few examples of habits that should come second nature. I pledge to take the proper precautions to prepare myself for situations that may occur through dangerous weather conditions, use my blinkers to notify other drivers when I am making a left turn, right turn, or pulling out or into a parallel parking stall. I pledge to be considerate of other drivers and not turn on my high beams when unnecessary to ensure that I don’t hinder other driver’s vision. I pledge to give respectable distance to other drivers to avoid bumper collisions, ensure the safety of all passengers in the car, and check to make sure everyone is wearing a seatbelt while in my vehicle. Most importantly, I will practice defensive driving. Controlling my vehicle is my responsibility and it is my job to be aware of other drivers who may violate the rules of the road.

Is a simple text worth the risk? Is one drink worth putting other people’s lives in jeopardy? Is speeding on the freeway going to get you there safely? These are the things you should think about before it’s too late.