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Round 3 – The Benefits of Drivers Education

Name: Shyanne Nicole Bennett
From: Jacksonville, North Carolina
Votes: 0

The Benefits of Drivers Education

The Benefits of Drivers Education

Drivers Education informs others of the rules and regulations of the road as well as how to safely operate a vehicle. It is necessary to prevent irresponsibility on the road and possible tragedies. When people are informed how to drive safely this prevents any possible injury or death to other drivers around them. It is important for people to be educated on driving safety and the laws that are in place in order to have a safe driving experience for themselves and others.

Educating potentials drivers on the correct safety precautions when driving is one way to reduce the number of deaths related to driving. According to a study at University of Nebraska–Lincoln, found that young drivers were less likely to be in car accidents that those who do not receive driver’s education. This shows that the best course of action is to educate those preparing to drive so that the number of deaths decreases. Additionally, in order to reduce deaths related to driving people should be educated on the dangers of driving while impaired. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that drunk-driving crashes claim more than ten thousand lives per year. Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention drugs other than alcohol, including legal and illegal drugs, are involved in about 16% of motor vehicle crashes. With this information it can be concluded that it is necessary for drivers to be informed of the risks. With this kind of education being available to those who wish to drive, the number of deaths related to driving would decrease.

Driving irresponsibly can lead to car accidents and harm to those involved. Personally, I have not been involved in any sort of motor vehicle related accidents. However, I have observed family members driving irresponsibly. With this observation I fully grasp the possible results, or consequences, of driving irresponsibly. In order to not receive the same consequences, I have consistently practiced driving safely. I have received education on how to drive safely in order to prevent any possible accidents in the future. Additionally, I follow any sort of driving laws and follow any laws that pertain to substances that could impair my driving. While those are the steps, I take in order to be a safe driver, people should assist those around them and help them become safe drivers as well. Furthermore, in order to helps other drive responsibly people should look out for their peers and prevent them from driving if impaired. People should call out their peers irresponsible driving and educated them on the proper ways to drive. These actions could possibly prevent those around you from being involved in a driving accident.

Drivers education allows those who are learning to drive access to proper education and allows them to become responsible drivers. This education can benefit others and reduce the deaths or accidents related to driving. Additionally, the education of the dangers of driving while impaired will reduce deaths as well.