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Round 3 – Drivers Education and Staying Safe on the Road

Name: Ethan Hamilton
From: Saint Charles, Missouri
Votes: 0

Drivers Education and Staying Safe on the Road

Driver education is critical in the reduction of deaths related to driving because it teaches new drivers safe driving practices and the rules of the road. Driver education teaches young drivers how to operate their vehicles safely and responsibly by instructing them on how intersections work, right-of-way is applied, road signs are interpreted, switching lanes safely, and much more. Driver education helps produce safer drivers and reduce the number of driving related deaths because new drivers who have gone through a driving related course will be more aware of the rules of the road, which results in safer streets, and less fatalities.

Although driver education plays a major role in the reduction of driving related deaths, there are also other important steps which can be taken in order to further limit them. One step which can be taken to reduce driving related deaths is looking twice when navigating your vehicle through intersections or simply turning onto the road. As simple as it may seem, looking twice will help reduce the amount of collisions, as drivers would be more aware of their surroundings and possible cars or motorcycles which they may have not spotted before. Looking twice is especially important when driving with limited visibility. Limited visibility can occur at night, during rain or snowfall, in fog, and in a variety of other road conditions. These road conditions are a hinderance to a driver’s traffic awareness, which increases the probability of a collision. By looking twice, drivers can help limit the possibility of a crash, rain or shine.

Another step which can be taken to reduce deaths is to avoid distracted driving. This encompasses anything from texting and driving, distracting passengers, or drowsy driving. Driving while distracted limits a driver’s focus on the road and is a danger to others. In order to drive safely and limit deaths, drivers need to reserve one-hundred percent of their attention to navigating the road. Anything that divides a driver’s attention can contribute to an accident, and should be avoided. By waiting to send that text, asking passengers to limit distracting activities, and pulling over when experiencing torpidity, drivers can help do their part in creating safer roads.

Thankfully, I personally have never had the experience of being in a car accident. I have, however, seen friends and family driving irresponsibly which could have resulted in a collision. This irresponsibility stemmed from distracted driving, and consisted of everything I have mentioned above; texting, distracting passengers, and drowsy driving. Although others may not always exercise safe driving practices, I can do my part by avoiding distracted driving, looking twice, and following the rules of the road. I can help others become safer on the road by educating and encouraging them to follow the steps which will help them become a more alert and responsible driver, and by saying something when I see someone driving irresponsibly. By avoiding distracted driving and educating others about safe driving practices, I can do my part to help keep the road a safer place.