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Round 3 – Consequences of Driving : Education

Name: Skyllar Estill
From: Longview, Washington
Votes: 0

Consequences of Driving : Education

NASCAR on the TV, model cars displayed in a glass case, the smell of oil ingrained in the walls. Raised by a dad who lived and breathed vehicles, possessing a license was like the holy grail of accomplishments for me. I lived for the age of sixteen, when the piece of plastic would have my name a picture plastered on it. I loved being in the car with my parents who seemed so relaxed behind the wheel. I thought my dad’s trick of driving with just his knees was the coolest thing I’d ever seen, I never thought twice when the driver would send a text or take their eyes off the road. The dangers of driving weren’t real to me then.

When my dad got into a motorcycle vs car wreck, him being on the former, the realities of driving hit me. Whether it was my dad’s own irresponsibility in driving or the lack of knowledge on how to drive around motorcycles from the other driver, him being on his deathbed was a wake up call. Driving was a lot more dangerous than I used to think, and being able to sit behind the wheel was a bigger responsibility than I once thought.

Years after his accident, I found myself sitting in drivers ed and began to realize how important this education is. Without learning what is taught in those classes, being on the road should not be an option. A nationwide driver education requirement is a must to make the roads a safer place. This education is vital in creating responsible drivers and is not replaceable with just driving experience. Driver education is everything in keeping citizens safe as it teaches the vital skills to avoid accidents or, in the case where one may find themselves in a wreck, how to handle the car to better ensure the safety of yourself and anyone else involved.

Having had my license, I find myself exhibiting some of the same habits I had seen in my family as I grew up. When I find myself falling into these habits, I remember my dad and his accident, or my mom’s wreck a few years later, and remind myself how important safe driving is. I don’t want to be the reason for someone else to experience the pain I felt seeing my parents hurt from car accidents, nor do I want to be mourned by my family because of the lack of education in other drivers. If everyone on the road were educated and safe drivers, the road would be a safer place for all.