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Round 3 – Dangers of Driving

Name: Molly A Kouzes
From: Batavia, IL
Votes: 0

Dangers of Driving

Driving is an important part of the modern world. Without the knowledge of the rules of the road, it is impossible to get transportation based around your schedule. The education of young drivers is what keeps the number of driving deaths low, which is why it is so important. This education teaches the youth the rules to follow that keeps themselves safe, but also people around them. When everyone is keeping others safe, it creates a network of safe drivers.

There are multiple ways to further reduce the total number of deaths related to driving, but almost all of them can be connected back to education. Making thorough education easy to access for people from all facets of life ensures that the highest number of people possible stay safe. Other ways to keep deaths down is to continue to improve modern cars to protect its occupants in better ways.

While I have never personally been affected by an accident, I’ve seen many people close to me exhibiting irresponsible habits while driving. Mostly it has been family and friends who choose to use their phone while behind the wheel. They are aware of the possible consequences, but they still keep a complex wherein they believe that they are immune to an accident happening to them.

Some steps that I can personally take to keep others and myself safe, is to call out actions that are dangerous. While I myself don’t use technology while driving, I can speak to my friends and family about the dangerous outcomes possible when they do use their phones. I can use my connections to help educate about the dangers that can be avoided so easily.