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Round 3 – From Driving to HERO

Name: Naiqui Armendariz
From: Las Cruces, NM
Votes: 24

From Driving to HERO



Most people do not think about been in a bad situation until it happens, at that moment we start to understand the importance of every single advice that we received before, but sometimes is too late. This is why we should start thinking a little more about serious things, like driving.

We could believe there is nothing we can do to prevent accidents, but most accidents are caused by a distraction, so if we keep ourselves focus, that means we can prevent a fatality.

Empathy is the best resource between humans to resolve most of humanity problems and it complements with education. Been educated about driving make us take the best of the options in a moment of an accident or we can even prevent it if we act accordingly to what we have learn.

When I was 27 years old, I was preparing to participate in an art gallery, it was an amazing opportunity for my work to be shown. But one of my paintings needed a little retouch, so I asked my boyfriend if he could take me to the store to get the paint that I needed. While we were driving, a trailer crushed against us, we were driving by the interstate, as soon as we were entering to the section where the bridges were, was when he hit us, we ended up on the top of that bridges. As soon as we rolled, we were hanging, the only was holding us was the seat belts. I was able to move and as far I could see I was ok, but when I turned to my boyfriend, I thought he was dead. It was the most terrible feeling I have experienced. But when I talk to him, he responded to me, we got out from the car through the back window, since it was the only part that had an opening to the outside. We got away from the car, and the fireman showed up, they asked if we were the ones in the car, we confirm it. The fireman was amazed, and he said: “I can’t believe you are alive and in one piece, it’s a miracle”. We had some injuries, but we were able to recover. The trailer tried to escape but then he got back to the place. He said he fell asleep, in the police report, that he was already very tired so that is why in the curve he didn’t know what happened. His lack of responsibility caused an accident and almost causes death.

I believe that each time we get into a vehicle we should be able to understand what a big responsibility and privilege is to be able to drive. There is a lot of people that would like to be able to drive, so they can save time and effort each day to do their activities, and some people take this as granted. Been responsible, is not an easy thing to do but, is the right thing to do. And the most important thing that we can do is always think about others and be attentive.