Name: Lainey Mae Spadafore
From: Port Huron, Michigan
Votes: 0
Safe Driving
Lainey Spadafore
Safe Driving Essay
Safe Driving
Driver’s education is important to future drivers in many ways; It helps teens gain an understanding of the basics of driving, allows them to gain knowledge on what all the street signs mean, teaches the effects of distracted driving, and permits them to have hands-on experiences with driving. Driver’s education describes what you should and should not do when driving. After teens complete driver’s education, they should be aware of all the rules and regulations. This places them one step closer to becoming an official driver. If teens did not have to take driver’s education, they would have no proper knowledge of how to drive and the effects of distracted driving. This would cause the accident rate to rise higher and increase the death rate.
Approximately 6 million car accidents occur within a year and about 1.6 million of them are caused by texting and driving. Texting and driving are very dangerous and have become more common as technology has increased. To decrease the amount of texting and driving, police should become more strict about giving out tickets for texting and driving. Also, car manufacturers increasing technology with voice-controlled systems will help keep eyes on the road, not on the car controls and phones. This would hopefully make people more aware of how serious the effects are on texting and driving and possibly could lower the number of accidents caused by texting and driving. Not only is texting and driving one of the main causes of car accidents, but so is any type of distracted driving, driving under the influence, speeding, and driving in dangerous weather conditions. All of these could be prevented by; stopping or pulling over if there is something that is distracting you, making sure if you go out and plan on consuming alcohol you have a designated driver, give yourself enough time and space to slow down, and if you are driving in bad weather conditions, drive slow and be cautious. It is always better to be safe than sorry, be aware of your surroundings at all times.
Family members of mine have texted and drove before, which has caused us to almost get into car accidents. Those incidents lead me to not text and drive, keep my eyes on the road, and always be aware of my surroundings. In order to keep me safe while driving, I can take extra steps to be cautious when driving at night time and make more playlists to listen to before I start driving, instead of trying to change the song at a red light. I can help others more by signaling them if there is an animal in the road by flashing my headlights and switching on my turn signal further ahead of time in order to clearly show other drivers which direction I am going. Overall, driving can be very dangerous, but everyone should deeply consider the effects of how dangerous looking down at your phone, speeding, driving under the influence, and any distractions that can take your attention away from the road can be. It is very important to drive carefully and pay attention in order to keep your life and everyone else’s safe!