Name: Rusheka levy home
From: Apopka, Florida
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Eyes on the road
For a person to be successful in life, they need to understand exactly what they are doing. Welders need to know how to handle all the equipment properly, police officers need to know how to aim, and teachers need to know the material they are teaching. The same idea applies to driver education, to be a successful and safe driver you need to have an understanding of what you are doing. Not only will it be beneficial for you, but the whole world. By being capable to properly maneuver a vehicle and the education you developed on what not to do behind the wheel, you can reduce the death rate In your city. As well as keeping in mind a few basic information, such as do not drink and drive; this applies to more than just alcohol.
If you are trying to open a bottle of soda while you are on the freeway, it can be rather distracting.
Every good driver knows you should not take your eyes off the road, at any given moment. Another step is to do everything necessary before starting the car, do not try to multitask while driving, this can lead to serious and evenly deadly accidents. My aunt had to learn the hard way when it came to multitasking while driving. On her way to school, she was trying to grade homework while driving. Of course, she had taken her eyes off the road to correct a few questions, when Bam! She ran into the back of an SUV. Although it was not a severe accident, it could have been a lot worse. She could have hit someone crossing the road, and taking their life. This is why I try my hardest to place my phone on do not disturb, play my music at a rather comfortable hearing kevel, and most importantly keep my eyes on the road.