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Round 3 – Taking Driving for Granted

Name: Alyssa Heckart
From: Peoria, Arizona
Votes: 15

Taking Driving for Granted

On a sunny April Fool’s day, about 12 PM, (Five days before my 19th birthday.) I just got out of school and was on my way home. I was borrowing my dad’s car because we lived about two miles from my school. I had decided to wear dark makeup that day. My boyfriend and I went to take his bright yellow 86’ Camaro to emissions shortly after I got home. We both had to be at work at 3 PM that day. As we were in the emissions line, his vehicle overheated and we had to get a jump. Luckily, a person stopped and helped us and we were on our way. It is about 1:30 PM.

On our way home, we had the windows down, traveling west, when a Dodge Ram turned in front of us, causing my boyfriend to swerve, so we did not hit head on, and the truck t-boned us. The Camaro went to a skid, hit the sidewalk, and was stopped by a tree. If the tree was inches closer to the door, I probably would not be here today. We had about a foot of room to get out from the passenger’s side. It was almost as if the whole accident was slow motion. We both blacked out, from the impact, and when we used all of our adrenaline to get out of the car. We were lucky to be able to get out of the car with nothing, so what we thought. The gentleman that hit us, yelled at us and said, “YOU WERE HAULING ASS.” Luckily, there were many witnesses that saw the accident and debunked that but also, there was an officer down the street that said that he saw us pass him and he would have known if we were speeding.

As I was sitting there, I was crying my eyes out, with my makeup running down my face, I called my mom, my dad, as well as my boyfriend’s dad to let them know what had happened. My mom freaked out and asked her boss to drive her to the area, she was about 30 mins away. Since I had my dad’s keys, he was not able to come to the scene. I received phone calls after phone calls asking about the accident. I was such a mess that I didn’t even know who to answer first.

We were interviewed by police and the paramedics arrived. I refused the ambulance ride, but my boyfriend took it. They put him on the stretcher and asked me to sit in the front. I was so traumatized, I just sat there looking forward, as the driver said, “please put your seatbelt on.” I was shocked that I did not even realize it was not on. I called my parents to let them know we were going to be at the hospital.

Once we got to the hospital, I stayed with my boyfriend until my mom got there. She immediately told me I need to get admitted and evaluated. Before I was admitted my brother and my dad showed up. My brother said he passed by the accident, not knowing where it was, and with how it looked, he freaked out and started speeding, worried but my dad had to tell him to slow down. When I was admitted, I was put on a stretcher and in the middle of the hallway. I asked the officer, before we left the scene, if he could bring my purse to the hospital, and he did just that. It made me feel so special and was one of the best parts to the day.

In the hospital, we both got CAT Scans, and both had minor concussions. My boyfriend also had bruised ribs from hitting the shifter so hard. He was released before I was and was looking a bit pale and had to be readmitted into the hospital where they gave him fluids and prescribed him with two prescriptions. I was prescribed one. Now, it is about 9 PM, we are on our way home. We stopped to get our prescriptions and something to eat. It was difficult to eat after an event like that. We got home around 10 PM and tried to rest. We were so sore and restless.

Being a safe driver is important to me in my everyday life because I think about all the trauma that I had to go through. My anxiety still gets to me, even though it was about 7 years ago. Everyone needs to become knowledgeable about the risks of driving and how to be safe on the road to ensure that there are less accidents and so people can see just how one irresponsible move can change a life forever. I believe that everyone needs to take time to read the rules of the road as well as follow the signs to ensure that there are no accidents (minor or major). The one thing that I believe is important to me is to stay off of your cell phones, be alert, and be patient. Driving the speed limit, especially when late to work, school, etc. can reduce the risk of an accident. Being late is better than risking someone’s life. Also, taking the steps to be responsible when out with friends or family is huge for me. Always have someone who is a designated driver.

Safe driving is important for people of all ages. As much as people think it is “cool” to speed and go in and out of traffic, it is not. Coming from a person who has been in FIVE, yes, FIVE not at fault accidents, within a year and a half time frame, I can tell you that I have been a safe driver over the years, but I had to get scared to drive before I became that person. I still have anxiety when I drive, given it has calmed down a lot over the years. There was a full year where I did not drive anywhere. Friends and family actually make fun of me because I drive like a “grandma.” My dad also deems my turns as an “Alyssa turn” so if he waits on a turn, he will say “look, I am making an Alyssa turn.” It is honestly something we all laugh about, but they understand why I do it.

Always make sure to stay safe and be patient.