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Round 3 – Careful! Someone is waiting for you

Name: Thinh Le
From: Denver, Colorado
Votes: 0

Careful! Someone is waiting for you

Careful! Someone is waiting for you

Driving is the key to freedom of many people. The moment you first got your license is the best feeling, you get to drive your friends around, drive wherever you want without dependent on your parents. However, the road is never a safe place, one person drive responsively is not enough, but everyone. You might drive like a granny but someone out there is driving like they own the road. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, data shows 37,461 were killed in motor vehicle crashes. In 2010, there were an estimated 5,419,000 crashes. Driving should not feel like a threat to someone’s life.

In my opinion, habits should be built since young, especially the driving system in America, leaner does not need to attend a professional driving school. Their parents or siblings just teach them the basic at a parking lot and there they head onto the road. It’s important to train the new drivers or even experienced drivers the habits of checking blind spots, no speeding, no distraction, no tailgating, etc. Once it becomes muscle memory, the driver will be able to process the situation quicker. Often times, parents who are busy, they tend to let their kids drive around with just a permit. These are inexperienced drivers, they might not only cause harm to themselves but other road users. The driver should be fully responsible for the control of the car, but as technology advancing, we see more and more safety features on vehicles that prevent accidents.

One time, I and my friends were in traffic rush hour, as he changed lane safely, a car from behind could not brake quick enough. Therefore, he rear-ended us and totaled both cars. Luckily, everyone was safe, but that was the car that my friend worked his butt off for and only had it for about 1 year. When my dad taught me how to drive, he always stressed on no tailgating, no speeding, do not push the car too much. I think as a teenager, everyone seems to speed, but because my dad always tells me that from the beginning, I do take it into consideration when I drive.

It might sound contradicting, but to be a better and safer driver, one needs to actually get on the road and practice. There will be some sort of situation occurring, but the important point is to learn from the mistake. I hate to say it but sometimes it takes one incident to remember the lesson. For example, I forgot to check my blind spot when I changed lane even though I was being tested on my permit test, I still forgot and a car behind honked at me. After that incident, I always remember to check my blind spot every single time I change lane. It always easier to do something right since the beginning than to change a habit.

Work cited

Motor Vehicle Fatality Rate in U.S. by Year.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Aug. 2020,