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Round 3 – Never Again

Name: Andrea Terrones
From: Riverside , California
Votes: 0

Never Again

Andrea Terrones

September 6, 2020

Never Again

When I was nine years old my uncle and his three kids were in a terrible car accident. My uncle had just dropped off his wife at the dentist and was taking his kids to eat something while they waited for her. As they were driving back my uncle’s car got hit by a huge track on the right side, which proved to be fatal for my cousin in the passenger seat. Her name was Vanessa, and she was the same age as me. At her funeral I was too young to understand how dangerous driving could be, but I remember asking God why it had to happen to them. As my aunt was crying over her little girl, while her husband was in the ICU, I came to understand the harsh reality that death related to driving was a real thing. I aim to help others realize that death related car accidents are real, and devastating, and that there are ways to prevent them.

Personally, the steps I take whenever I am in the driver’s seat is, first and foremost, making sure everyone has their seatbelt on. Second, I always follow the speed limit, use my blinkers, put my phone on do not disturb, and stay focused on the cars around me. I also believe it’s important to be patient with other drivers, because another driver might be speeding or pop out of nowhere. Some steps I can take to help others become safer on the road is remind them to drive safely, follow the speed limit, tell them not to use their phone or drive under the influence. I also promote driving tips on my social media accounts, so my friends stay informed.

I believe some steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths related to driving include implementing driver education courses in high schools and universities, as well as having driver education do’s and don’ts in workplaces so that individuals are constantly reminded to drive safely and responsibly. Moreover, it would help if the social media platforms, and other popular media platforms, took advantage of their influence to consistently educate their communities on how to drive safely so that fatal car accidents can be avoided and reduced. Social media platforms especially have the potential to reach millions of drivers, and if they promote safe driving the number of deaths related to driving will definitely decrease significantly.

Driving education has long been overlooked, and perhaps that is one of the main reasons so many accidents occur. It is important for drivers, of all ages, to be educated because it helps inform them on the dangers of driving and gives them a clear idea of the problems they may encounter on the road and how to deal with them. In educating drivers, less accidents will occur, and the number of deaths will also decrease significantly.

Deaths related to driving are a harsh reality, but we can work together to educate and prevent more in the future.