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Round 3 – In the Driver’s Seat

Name: Chloe Bilbrew
From: Redlands, CA
Votes: 0

In the Driver’s Seat

Driver education is important in reducing the number of deaths as a result of driving because not many people are informed about driving safety. This is what results in others getting in or dying from car crashes. This is also important so that teens and young adults can be educated on what to do and what not to do when driving a car. This can reduce the number of deaths by car crashes in America. When others get educated on driving and how to drive properly, it protects themselves and others on the road. Without educating others on the safety of driving the death rate by car crashes will increase. When you become a new driver, everything is new to you and you just want to get out to drive. However, without knowing the consequences of rushing to drive and get on the road there can be horrible outcomes. This is where the importance of knowing safety rules of driving comes into play.

The steps we can take to reduce the number of deaths related to driving is a long list. Nonetheless, you can still do the simple safety checks. This includes mirror checks, knowing when it is safe to merge into the next lane, checking tire pressure, etc. These are the normal and simple precautions every driver should do in order to pass a driving test. Yet, the most important rule to driving safety is never being distracted by someone in the car or your surroudnings. Many people become distracted when driving which results in careless driving.

I have never been in a car crash, but I was in a fender bender. I was sitting at a red light with my mom and sister when someone rear ended our car.. It was a minor collision, but it still affected me. I was thinking how could someone even collide with our car when we were at a stop light. This made me upset only because we had to stay there and wait for the other driver to get his insurance company name and his contact information. After this experience, it has opened my eyes to realize how important it is to pay attention to your surroundings and the cars in front of or behind you. Having the proper education about driving safety and the rules can help avoid collisions like this or worse.

Finally, the steps to become a better and secured driver will keep you and others safe while you are on the road. Taking the necessary precautions such as watching other cars, mirror checks, obeying all speed limits and signs, driving responsibly and more will make you more experienced as a driver. This can sound very lengthy at first when you become a new driver, but these are the very few rules that will help you stay safe. Even the small things matter. These things can be not drinking or consuming substances, being considerate of other drivers, and understanding how your car works. In the end, these rules and extra steps can seem tedious and lengthy, but these are the steps that will allow you to stay safe and not injure yourself or others on the road.