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Round 3 – Drivers Ed Essay

Name: Jarely Guardado
From: Elgin, IL
Votes: 1

Drivers Ed Essay

In the Driver’s Seat

Attending a Drivers Education Program is super important because not only does it teach us the rules of driving in the road but it can save our lives as well. Taking a Drivers Education program will provide us with the knowledge and skills needed when driving a vehicle on busy interstates, at night or in any other circumstance. Therefore, this will reduce the number of car crashes and deaths as stated in a study conducted by the University of Nebraska. To add on, the study found that 75% of young drivers who have not completed the drivers education course are more likely to get a traffic ticket and 24% more likely to be involved in a fatal injury accident. This means that young drivers that attend and complete a driver’s education program are less likely to be involved in any car accidents or recieve any traffic violations compared to those who do not complete the rigorous course. By attending and completing the course, drivers make the right decision and therefore they avoid accidents that can possibly lead to not only their death but possibly harm others such as the passengers and pedestrians.

The steps that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths relating to driving include; Always check your vehicle. By checking your vehicle you are making sure that your mirrors are

adjusted, brakes are working, tires are ready and properly inflated and mirrors are clean. To add on, the driver must also follow these steps; wear a seatbelt at all times, never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol, never rush(to work, school, etc), never take your eyes off the road whether its because of a phone, food or even just switching the radio, never drive when you are tired or emotionally(upset, angry, etc) and physically unable to and lastly but most important obeying the traffic laws. All precautions should be taken when driving and we should always be prepared to focus on the road.

The steps that can be taken to be a better and safer driver is to always have distance between cars, avoid all distractions and focus your eyes on the road. During hard weather conditions, always drive slower and always press your brakes before you usually would to avoid slips on ice. It is important that when it’s raining or foggy you must always turn on the headlights, headlights must also be turned on when you cannot see more than 500 feet ahead of you. Using turning signals is crucial when driving and must always be done. As the driver not only should you be wearing the seatbelt but every passenger as well. Make sure to not only think about yourself but others as well. Always avoid traffic and car violations and accidents by simply obeying the law.