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Round 3 – One False Move, It Could Be Your Last

Name: Heer Patel
From: Philadelphia, PA
Votes: 0

One False Move, It Could Be Your Last

Heer Patel

One False Move, It Could Be Your Last

The moment you step into a car behind the steering wheel, your life is in your hands. In the world, nearly 1.3 million people die each year due to road crashes. This averages to about 3,287 deaths per day. The most common causes of car accidents are distracted driving. This includes being on your phone, being under the influence, or eating food. The driver’s education course teaches young students how to control a vehicle safely. The course provides students with the knowledge and skills that are needed for a driver. When you are driving, not only is your own life in your hands, but also the people around you. Having someone’s life in your hands is extremely scary, but Drivers’ Education makes it possible for people to not take away someone’s life. Drivers Education is completely necessary for people behind wheels.

When teens become 16 years old, they are eager to start driving. The biggest part they dread is the actual learning of becoming a driver. Little do they know, drivers’ education is the uttermost required part of becoming a driver. Teens are often mistaken as wild humans. But this is the prime time for them to intake critical and vital information. This includes Driver education. At this time, teenagers begin to learn about life lessons. Drivers’ education can teach them the downsides of alcohol and driving while under the influence. Other life lessons driver’s education can teach are smoking while driving and taking drugs while driving. The driver’s education gives them the confidence they need to drive. They can gain experience at first and then become a safe and advanced driver.

Being an uneducated driver is a threat on the road. Not only can you harm other people in doing so, but you can also harm yourself. Even as little as stopping at a stop sign is a threat. Some teens may think that they know how to drive already and do not need a course, but in reality, they only know the basic information, such as stop at a red light, or slow down at a yellow light. But little do they know about the vast rules and regulations of driving that are critical to drivers. These rules and regulations help them become an advanced and secure driver.

The benefits of taking a driver’s education course are that you learn about the basics of controlling a vehicle. Such as the controls of the dashboard, pedals, and mirrors, and keeping the maintenance of your automobile. The rules of signs, merging, turning, signals, and parking are very important as well. One of the most important things to learn about driver education is what to do when you are in less than perfect road and weather conditions. Being prepared and knowing what to do when it rains, or snows, or even hails, is essential when you are a driver. Drivers Education is just as important as learning your addition and subtraction. It is a crucial aspect of one’s life.