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Round 3 – Important steps for Driving Safe

Name: Guadalupe Pulido
From: Chicago, Illinois
Votes: 0

Important steps for Driving Safe

Guadalupe Pulido


There always comes that time in a teenager’s life where they learn how to drive. One of their first experiences of independence and it can be fun but sometimes we forget the importance of driving safely. Many people die each year, especially young people due to driving incidents. Drivers education is very important because it can reduce and help prepare young drivers to know how to avoid fatal accidents. Steps that can be taken to help reduce the number of deaths due to driving is to promote drivers education and to ensure that it is given in each highschool. The best way that I was able to learn how to drive safely drive was through the drivers education course given to me at my highschool.

Another way to help reduce the number of deaths due to driving is to also bring awarness to the dangers of driving under the influence. Driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol is very dangerous and has been one of the primary factors of fatal car incidents. It has happened in the past where my father or a family friend was driving under influece of alcohol and was arrested or injured. Our family friend was driving under the influence, and unfortunatley, he passed away in a car accident. Sometimes it seems as though people would rather risk driving drunk instead of finding other ways to get home safely. Maybe something that can be done as well as rasing awareness about the dangers of driving under the influence, is giving an accessible way for people to find a safe way to get home.

Another factor and step that can be taken to reduce the number of deaths from driving is the promotion of wearing safety belts. Safety belts are very important and help ensure your safety while driving and can help reduce injury if you are involved in a car accident. A young child that I once knew unfortunatley loss his life because his family had gotten into a car accidenct and the boy wasn’t wearing his safety belt and flew out the car’s window and passed away. The promotion of these steps of not driving under the influence and wearing a safety belt is crucial because many today and especially young people dont really take it seriously.

There needs to be ways to help people understand this importance instead of learning it because they got hurt in a car accident. What I can do to be a safe driver on the road is to be patient and to keep in account the things I learned from drivers education. Being able to stay calm and alway follow rules and avoid aggressive driving. What I can do aswell is promote and inform my friend and family the importance of driving safely. I feel as though young people tend to listen to people their own age and will see the importanc of the driving safely. By doing this I can keep myself safe and also the people around me safe. By taking all of these steps into account, hopefully we can reduce the number of deaths caused by driving.