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Round 3 – In the Driver’s Seat

Name: Phillip Winger
From: MCALLEN, Texas
Votes: 0

In the Driver’s Seat

Every year, tens of thousands of people die in car crashes and accidents around the world. In fact, there is probably an incident going on as you read this essay. The majority of drivers don’t realise the risks of driving, and even if they do, they sometimes ignore or forget this fact. Driving is a big privilege, but it is also a great responsibility. Driver’s education is very important because it teaches young teenagers and adults how to drive safely and “defensively”. However, not everyone is going to heed to what they are taught and warned during these courses. Being in the driver’s seat means that you are responsible for taking care of the lives of everyone inside the vehicle. You must be cautious and attentive if you want to make smart decisions on the road. If not, then you are putting your life and the lives of those around you at risk.

Driver’s education teaches that it is vital to pay attention and know what you are doing and where you are going when driving. It requires your full attention so that you are completely aware of what is going on around you. Anything can happen in a span of seconds, and if you are distracted you may not be able to respond to what is happening around you quick enough. This is why it is important that you make sure you are in the right state of mind and physical health before you start the car. If you are feeling uneasy, tired, or you are frustrated about something, your focus isn’t where it should be and you risk getting in an accident. These things slower your reaction time and your awareness, which can be very dangerous when on the road. It is best to wait until you are fully awake and in the right state before you make the decision to get in and start the car. If you feel any of these things which I have mentioned and you are already driving, safely pull over and take a break until you feel focused and ready.

You can increase your safety before you even exit the driveway. This is accomplished by walking around your car to make sure there are no obstructions that are blocking your exit or that can damage the vehicle. When you enter the vehicle, you can be safe by readjusting all mirrors, testing the blinkers, and securing your seat belt. When taking your driver’s courses, you are taught to always do these things to increase your overall safety. The last thing you should do is decrease the amount of distractions inside the vehicle. Very loud music can prevent you from hearing car horns or sirens of emergency vehicles. One of the main reasons for most car accidents is texting while driving. So by turning off your phone or putting it away, you are already decreasing your chances of getting in an accident! A text isn’t worth risking your life, so remember, “It can wait!”