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Round 3 – Driving

Name: Dillon Syhavong
From: Salisbury, NC
Votes: 0


Dillon Syhavong

Driving Education


Driver education is incredibly important because of the lack of awareness when it comes to driving. When it comes to driving I am not perfect but I do have some awareness. It is foolish to know that in the United States you can be 18 and obtain a driver’s license with little to no knowledge on the safety requirements of driving. We need to enforce many safety requirements and have more electric speed limits signs that watch your speed limit. Overall we as people need to do our part and be more self aware. I have been in some car accidents before. The experience is really scary because it all just happens in a blink of an eye. I remember my brother driving me to school and all of a sudden we rear ended a car in a matter of a second. Like I said before we just need to be more focused and more observant of the things around us. We need to get rid of all distractions and if you do have a distraction just pull over it is not worth the risk. These driving regulations need to be enforced and need to be acknowledged all around the world.